- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Tareas Faciles

Enviado por   •  15 de Agosto de 2013  •  575 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  293 Visitas

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Well I worfed a long time in a transnational company as direction assistant, I was in charge of everything related to dating the activities of my buss, I coordinated his Schedule and always tried to maintained orderer office as help him with different slopes, he couldn´t attend.

Unfortunately the crisis and poor business led the company to bankruptcy and had to close, Friday was my last day of work, I cleared with 50 porcent because they don’t have more money to pay accordingly.

Honestly I have not talked to my family, I don’t know how they will take the situation.

I feel very confused, I don’t know what I´m going to do, I don’t want to fall into depression, I received few money and I need to get a job inmediatly.

I´m really need to talk to you about this, thanks for listening.

Well I worfed a long time in a transnational company as direction assistant, I was in charge of everything related to dating the activities of my buss, I coordinated his Schedule and always tried to maintained orderer office as help him with different slopes, he couldn´t attend.

Unfortunately the crisis and poor business led the company to bankruptcy and had to close, Friday was my last day of work, I cleared with 50 porcent because they don’t have more money to pay accordingly.

Honestly I have not talked to my family, I don’t know how they will take the situation.

I feel very confused, I don’t know what I´m going to do, I don’t want to fall into depression, I received few money and I need to get a job inmediatly.

I´m really need to talk to you about this, thanks for listening.

Well I worfed a long time in a transnational company as direction assistant, I was in charge of everything related to dating the activities of my buss, I coordinated his Schedule and always tried to maintained orderer office as help him with different slopes, he couldn´t attend.

Unfortunately the crisis and poor business led the company to bankruptcy and had to close, Friday was my last day of work, I cleared with 50 porcent because they don’t have more money to pay accordingly.

Honestly I have not talked to my family, I don’t know how they will take the situation.

I feel very confused, I don’t know what I´m going to do, I don’t want to fall into depression, I received few money and I need to get a job inmediatly.

I´m really need to talk to you about this, thanks for listening.

Well I worfed a long time in a transnational company as direction assistant, I was in charge of everything related to dating the activities of my buss, I coordinated his Schedule and always tried to maintained orderer office as help him with different slopes, he couldn´t attend.

Unfortunately the crisis and poor business led the company to bankruptcy and had to close, Friday was my last day of work, I cleared with 50


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