The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer By Mark Twain
Enviado por pampashoes • 25 de Marzo de 2015 • 1.509 Palabras (7 Páginas) • 553 Visitas
It was 1844. Tom was 11 years old. He lived in St. Petersburg, Missouri. St. Petersburg was a town on the Mississippi River, in North America.
Tom’s parents were dead. He lived with his father’s sister, Aunt Polly. Tom was not clean and tidy. He did not help Aunt Polly with the housework. He often behaved badly. But Aunt Polly loved him very much. Aunt Polly thought that Tom must obey her. Tom had stolen some fruit from the cupboard and Aunt Polly was going to punish him on Saturday: Tom had to paint the fence.
Aunt Polly decides to make Tom paint the fence on Saturday as his punishment. Tom tries everything to get out of doing such a horrible job on a day when he should be playing and having fun.
He finally comes up with the idea to pretend that painting the fence was fun. When one of his friends comes along he tells him that he is having so much fun that his friend wants to try painting too. Tom was going to let him paint but in return his friend must give him something, he gave Tom an apple. Pretty soon, more of Tom’s friends came and wanted to paint , but to do it , they had to give Tom some sort of valuable item to take a turn. Tom ends up cleverly getting his fence painted without lifting a finger.
It was Sunday morning an everyone was in church. The Minister stood in front saying a sermon. Tom was not enjoying the sermon, he was bored. Suddenly Tom remembered he had a beetle in a small box in his pocket. Tom took the beetle out of the box and through it into a small space in the middle of the church (aisle). A dog came into the church and looked at the beetle. The beetle bits the dog’s nose and the dog starts to run and run round the church. Soon everybody in church was laughing. Tom walked home from church happily.
While Tom was walking home he saw a beautiful girl in Jeff’s garden. She was a new girl that had moved to town named Becky Thatcher. Suddenly Tom was in love. ((last week Tom had loved Amy Lawrence). Becky’s father was a very important man, he was a judge. Becky was Jeff’s cousin. They soon declared their feelings for one another and get engaged.
Tom had two special friends: Joe Harper and Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn did not live with anybody. Huck slept outside by the river. He never went to church or school. He wore very old clothes and he did not wear any shoes. He never washed
On Monday morning Tom meets Huck. Huck and Tom decide they are going to meet late at night and go bury a cat in the graveyard. They thought that burying dead cats at night the day a bad man had been buried would cure warts (berrugas): at midnight ghosts come, they take away the dead man. The dead man has to follow the ghosts. The cat follows the dead man. And the warts follow the cat. So the cat cures the warts.
When they met at the cemetery that night, they run into trouble. They witness a murder in the cemetery. Injun Joe, Muff Potter and Dr. Robinson were in process of digging out a corpse from its grave in the cemetery. They were going to take Hoss William’s body (it was the bad man buried that day) the doctor wanted o study him. Suddenly, Injun Joe and the doctor started arguing ( Injun Joes was angry with the doctor because 5 years ago Injun Joe asked him for something to eat and the doctor sent him away) doctor Robinson hit Muff with a piece of wood Muff fell on the ground unconscious meanwhile Injun Joe kills the doctor. Muff Potter was always drunk. Injun Joe places the murder weapon (Muff’s knife) next to Muff
Huck and Tom were very frightened that they might get found out by Injun Joe. They swear that they would not tell anybody about what they have seen in the graveyard. They wrote their promise in blood in a flat piece of wood. Next days Injun Joe point out Muff as the murderer of the doctor to the rest of the town.
Tom was very unhappy so he leaves St. Petersburg with his friend Joe and Huck. They were going to Jackson’s Island. Jackson’s Island was three miles from St. Petersburg. It was a long, narrow island in