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El señor de los anillos las dos torres.

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El señor de los anillos las dos torres.

Days later, Frodo awoke in Rivendell with Gandalf and he told her what happened to the Nazgul as an Elf took Frodo to Elrond and he was responsible for cure. Then he informed him of holding a council where it happened and try the theme of the Ring. It was attended by some representatives of the peoples of Middle-earth and, after deciding that the Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Orodruin, Frodo offered to take him there. Sam, who despite not being invited to the Council had heard everything in secret, offered to accompany his master, and later decide that Elrond Gandalf, Aragorn, Merry, Pippin, a Dwarf named Gimli, Legolas Prince of elves of the Black Forest, and the heir to the senescalía of Gondor, Boromir, will also accompany, forming what was called the Fellowship.

Two months later, the Community began the journey. Going through Hollin (Eregion old), came to the Misty Mountains and decided to cross them by Caradhras, because the more you will come to the Gap of Rohan, would be closer to Isengard and capture by Saruman. However, with the possible death of the hobbits due to bad weather in the mountains, the Community was forced to turn around and cross the mountains through the Mines of Moria. Road to the mines, the Community was attacked by Sauron's wolves, but managed to reject them and get to the West Gate of Moria. There they were attacked by the Watcher in the Water, kraken that had settled on a lake near the door, which locked them inside the mines, forcing them to hopelessly cross them. Shortly after they arrived at the House of Mazarbul, where the tomb of Balin, Lord of Moria was and where Gandalf found a book that a Dwarf narrated the events in Moria and as the town had been destroyed by the Orcs. Then, they began to hear drums and numerous Orcs appeared. After defeating a few, the community managed to escape and get to the Bridge of Khazad Dum. There, a new and more powerful enemy appeared, a Balrog, which Gandalf faced and managed to throw over the bridge; however, as he fell, the Balrog Gandalf grabbed his whip and dragged him into the abyss.

Boromir and Frodo at Amon Hen.Apenados Gandalf's death, members of the Community Forest came to Lórien, where the Elf Haldir and his brothers gave them shelter and led them to Celeborn and Galadriel, the lords of the forest. After resting there for a month, the community split into three elven boats following the course of the River Anduin. In Sarn Gebir, were struck by the Orcs, but managed to avoid them crossing to the other side of the river. Arriving at Parth Galen meadows at the foot of Amon Hen, Frodo away from the others if he continued to reflect on the way to Mordor alone, not wanting to endanger his friends. Boromir, who had long been looking forward to the ring, followed him and tried to convince him not to destroy the Ring and take him to their city, Minas Tirith, for it to be used in defense against Sauron. The refusal of the hobbit, Boromir tried to take the Ring and Frodo put it to escape him. Then Boromir realized what he had done and returned with the rest of the Community to tell. All went in search of Frodo and Aragorn Boromir ordered to follow Merry and Pippin to protect them, as he continued to Sam. However, Sam found Frodo riverside and left him in one of the boats, before Aragorn found them.

El señor de los anillos el retorno del rey

After three days of riding on about Shadowfax, Gandalf and Pippin arrive at the town of Minas Tirith, capital of Gondor. There visit Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, very bad mood for seeing Gandalf and above all, by the death of his son Boromir, of which you are already aware. However, as a squire accepts Pippin, something that amuses him somewhat. As a result, Pippin receives a good breakfast and meet your guide through the city, Beregond, who become fast friends. By dusk, with Beregond guard, Pippin contemplated with Bergil son of Beregond, the entrance to the city must defend army troops Mordor. They come from all parts of Gondor, but seem insufficient. Pippin returns to its property to the city as it gets dark. Most people do not notice, but a dark cloud began to cover the sky from the east.

At Camp Dol Baran, meanwhile, a group of Rangers of the North led by Halbarad, Elrohir and Elladan reach company Théoden, which are received with great joy by Aragorn, as are his friends coming to help in the war. Aragorn, heir of Isildur and rightful claimant to the throne of Gondor, Sauron is shown by the palantír and immediately decides to go to Gondor, to war. But to go as fast as possible, you have to cross the so-called Paths of the Dead, a tunnel that crosses the White Mountains. Gimli, Legolas and Northern Rangers follow him, despite the fear that inspires them. Théoden and Éomer goodbye to them with great regret while Merry remains with the men of Rohan, despite himself. After a day's march, Aragorn and his companions, called the Grey Company, arrive at Edoras (where Éowyn, Éomer's sister sadly dismisses the Dúnedain), and up to El Sagrario, going from there to the Paths of the Dead. While the cross with great fear, a ghost army begins to follow the company. They are men who were cursed by Isildur for betraying him in war, and can only rest in peace if they help back to one of his descendants. For this reason, Aragorn, to leave the trails, summons the dead on the hill of Erech and the ghost army follows his orders.

Three days later, King Theoden of Rohan returns to Edoras with an army and extended by the men of the villages traversed. Merry has become a close friend of the king, but refuses to stay in Edoras while everyone goes to war. The army up to the refuge of Dunharrow to deliberate and, the next day, a black cloud covers the sky. Hirgon, a messenger of Gondor account Théoden the cloud has been coming from Mordor, and Minas Tirith is critically endangered. Théoden will have much appreciation for Merry, but not allowed to go to war. However, on the sly, a soldier of Rohan called Dernhelm offers to ride the back of his horse, so that he can also go to war. Meanwhile, Middle Earth is obscured at times by the great cloud of Mordor, but also by the clouds of war.

The Siege of Minas Tirith and the Battle of the Pelennor Fields

The news that an army has left Minas Morgul led by the Witch King come to Minas Tirith, which further darkens day veiled by the cloud of Mordor. Two days after Faramir and his men returned to Ithilien, but Denethor is very hard on his younger son Faramir reproaching her tardiness. Faramir are we surprised to see Pippin, and that during his mission saw another pair of hobbits called Frodo and Sam. Given this, the concerns of Gandalf and Pippin grow even more to know that trying to enter Mordor by the Morgul Vale. However, there is


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