Music history that caused a big impact in Latin America
Enviado por Camacho-I • 18 de Agosto de 2015 • Documentos de Investigación • 347 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 207 Visitas
Music history that caused a big impact in Latin America
The years 60´s, 70´s and 80´s it would be also the epoch of major summit of the song there protests, with artists in Argentina as Nacha Guevara, Mercedes Sosa, León Gieco, Manuel Monestel or Ignacio Copani. In Uruguay also the famous Popular Singing with Uruguayan artists like Alfredo Zitarrosa, Daniel Viglietti, Anibal Sampayo, Tabare Etcheverry, Numa Moraes,
The matters of social, rebellious or political content, they constitute the principal message of this new way of trovar. Other troubadours who have reached the international reputation are Sara Gonzalez, Vicente Feliú y Amauri Perez, and already in the 80s, Carlos Mejía Godoy will do the same thing with the Revolution Sandinista in Nicaragua. In the decade of 70 ´s the Song Protests it had a very important paper in Puerto Rico.
The majority of the singers who writes his own songs were devoting themselves to criticize and to promulgate the displeasure that existed in the island with the government of the United States. This music was tied in this epoch to the groups and parties that supported of the independence of Puerto Rico.
The Song Protests in this country it had been influenced by singers who writes his own songs, Cuban, Spanish and Americans, between others.
One of the predecessors about the Song Protests in Puerto Rico is Noel Hernández, a musician self-taught that with his voice and guitar in hand, it achieved his displeasure and pain expressed for the colonial situation that one lives in the island. Some of his compositions are, Guerrilla Guerrilla and Five Imprisoned Brothers.
In the same way, in the decade of the 80´s there will appear in Latin America the musical Chilean band The Prisoners, whose songs of protest would turn into an obliged modal of the anti-dictatorial movements (especially in his country, which government was headed by the general Augusto Pinochet). Meanwhile, from the 90´s there would appear bands like The Tigers of the North, Molotov, Manu Chao, and Black Hand, which songs of protest would represent to a great quantity of people, until today.