- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Obra Echa Por Alumnos. A HAUNTED SCHOOL (INGLES)

Enviado por   •  21 de Mayo de 2014  •  579 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  269 Visitas

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• GHOST - Marie Halmintom


SCENE 1: Amanda´s house

*Rose enters the house*

Everyone: *Regards*

Jazzy: Hey guys, we're complete. Come on to play basketball on the court of the school.

Mrs. Tood: Guys, don't go to haunted school. I tell you by what has happened there, and also speak from experience.

Amanda: Mom, what did you tell? I told that these things are fantasy, the people are crazy. Stop saying that.

James: Whoooo. A haunted school, we should go there.

Michael: No, I think that it’s a bad idea.

Rose: I don’t know, I think the same.

James: Come on guys… Come on to play basketball, just five minutes, no more. What do you think, Jezzy? I’m gonna win you.

Jazzy: I’m gonna win you like a little girl. Come on Amanda. Michael… Rose, come on, it's just a fairy tale.

Michael: I don’t think that.

Rose: Neither do I

Amanda: Rose… Nothing will happen. My mother is crazy, she says nonsense all day and every day. And besides, you're my best friend, come on.

Rose: Well… But, if something happens, it's your fault, and apologize to your mom. And Michael, it’s just a moment, ok?

Michael: ok.

SCENE 2: From Amanda's house to school

Rose: This doesn’t convince me of anything

Michael: Yeah… Me too. I came to Amanda's house last week, and Amanda's mom told me that on the court of the school... A girl, her name was Marie Halmintom... Committed suicide. And she appears to all who come there.

Rose: Really? I don’t want to go.

SCENE 3: On the school.

*The boys are playing basketball, and Amanda cheering*

Jazzy: Hey Rose, film me beating to the little girls.

Rose: Ok winner.

* Rose is filming to the boys, and on the camera sees a girl. And when she sees, it was not*

Rose: Guys, guys, guys… I saw anything there.

Jazzy: What? Where?

Rose: On the school, I saw anything there.

James: Relax baby, just was a dog or another thing, relax.

Rose: I saw a girl

James: You don’t see anything.

Amanda: If she says that she sees a girl, it is because she saw her.

James: I'll show you that is a lie

Rose: I’m not lying, it’s true.

*James goes to the school*

*James scream*

*Everyone run to the school*

Michael: James, brother, what´s up? Are you ok?

James: Hahaha! Just kidding.

Amanda: it’s not funny James.

Jazzy: James, is seriously, what happened?


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