Rodolfo El Reno
Enviado por max4810 • 24 de Febrero de 2013 • 600 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 459 Visitas
Narrator: A long time ago in a Christmas night in the city of Chicago, a little girl asked her father a very simple question: -Daddy! Daddy! Why is not my mommy like other mommies? - Barbara´s mother was in pain because of the cancer. The three of them lived in a small apartment of two rooms. All the money that her father earned was spent in the treatment and medicines. Her father Bob, got sad when he listened to his daughter and looking for an answer, he made this great story…
Narrator: This story begins at the North Pole, where toys are getting ready for Christmas
BAILE DE LAS MUÑECAS (jingle bells)
Narrator: Santa´s elves are working very hard, making toys
-Entra duende con caja de regalos y dice:-
E1: Hurry up! Christmas is coming
E2: Ok! Let´s hurry up!
E3: Yes, because children are expecting toys
BAILE DE LOS DUENDES (santa clause is coming to town)
-Los duendes salen y entra Santa con los renos-
Santa: Ho! Ho! Ho! It´s time to choose the reindeer to give the toys to all the children of the world
-Los renos estan jugando, dando vueltas y saltando hasta que los llama Santa para pasar lista-
Santa: I´ll check my list
Lightning: present!
Speedy: present!
Gamboling: present!
BAILE DE LOS RENOS (sleigh ride)
Narrator: But Rudolph is very sad because Santa didn´t choose him and the other reindeer make fun of him
-Los renos se ponen en un círculo, Rodolfo en medio y le gritan que tiene la nariz muy grande y fea-
Reindeer: Ja! Ja! Poor Rudolph! Your nose is ugly!
-Salen jugando y brincando-
-Rodolfo llora y dice:-
Rudolph: Buu! Buu! My nose is big and ugly!
Narrator: Christmas Eve is coming and everyone is getting ready for it
BAILE DE SANTAS (jingle bell rock)
Narrator: Suddenly the weather is stormy and the fog covers the earth, so, the reindeer couldn´t see and Santa knew they cannot keep going on. But Rudolph showed up and his big nose shined as never did before. Santa knew that Rudolph was the answer to his problem. Santa called Rudolph and put him in front of the sleigh, as a leader.
Santa: Come on! Rudolph you´ll help me with your nose as a guide, we´ll continue.
Narrator: That terrible night, the rain, the thunders and the fog couldn´t stop Rudolph, who lighted the road with his big red nose.
Santa: Rudolph, you are a hero!
Narrator: And Rudolph will live happy for ever
BAILE RODOLFO EL RENO (rudolph the red nosed reindeer)
Narrator: A stormy