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Should People Who Download Music And Movies Illegally Be Punished?

Enviado por   •  7 de Abril de 2013  •  384 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  2.318 Visitas

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Should people who download music and movies illegally be punished?

One of my favorite hobbies is listen to music, practically every day I listen to music. All the music that I have was downloaded from internet, by illegal form. This situation is the same with the movies, I don´t, but I have friends and family who do.

With this first opinion is obviously that my answer is NO, the people who download music and movies illegally mustn’t be punished.

Music is an art form consisting of sound and silence, expressed through time. It was companion of man since the beginning of its history. Today the passion for music in humans has been further fueled by a series of technological innovations. It is of great importance in society, and that the content of this is very close to what we experienced. With music we express our feelings, our mood is affected, positively and negatively, serves as motivation and inspiration. These reasons lead to the majority of people downloading music illegally clear, as it legally has an economic cost, which can be very high.

It's the same with the movies, we all like to watch movies, is a form of entertainment, fun. Meeting friends or family to watch movies is a popular activity today. The movie is a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement. It is downloaded due to the likes of people to those.

The biggest advantage of this type of discharge is that we can take to reach these things, music and movies without having to make an additional economic cost. The problem is that it breaches the copyright, which is a crime. This is the reason why it handles the possibility of punishing people who do these downloads, but this should not be the solution.

The solution is not to punish people who download, a better solution is to remove the law of copyright, or lowering the cost of legal downloads to an amount that is accessible to all, which we know will not happen. As we have seen the exciting world of music and movies have always been with us and always will be, no matter if we get legally or illegally, although we know that illegally will remain the most widely used.


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