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The Breakfast Club Review

Enviado por   •  8 de Septiembre de 2014  •  459 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  271 Visitas

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The breakfast club, an 80´s movie produced in the United States, what is influenced with the Hollywood’s stencil culture. This movie was cataloged by many non-professional reviewers as an excellent movie. But through this work I will describe why this movie is obsolete and without sense about the story development. Even this movie works with teenage problems, a developed topic that the producers of this visual art have count and didn’t know how to advantage it.

The story begin in a punishment Saturday day in a school were our youth characters must present to receive de consequences of their acts. We have five different teenagers that were presented and created according to Hollywood´s image and stereotypes the principal actors of the story. The movie does an outstanding job of deconstructing the stereotypes of the kids. We have the typically problematic student who always defies and challenges the authority or even with a professor, as we know, it’s the repetitive professor´s concept of a grumpy and strict teacher that always was behind the problematic teenage. This situation remind us “Bart Simpson and Skinner director”. The same boring story accompanied with the nerd guy who always pressed himself to get good grades and continue being a good guy, “the princess” the richest girl who doesn’t know anything about working hard or families problems, the athlete, the teenage who must be the number one, the best; And finally we have the strange lass who presents emotional and psychological problems. This characters were punished during 9 hours to reflex and being sitting to reflect about the actions they have done.

Eventually, the person who starts the disorder and disobey of the teacher instructions is the problematic guy. We can easily know that he has familiar problems, so that explains his personality. That fact makes the story tedious and boring, also because I can’t believe that he were presented as a comforting person of the group problems.

The schemes resolutions presented by the teacher and the attitude were fewer orthodoxies and no ideal for a good relationship with students, it is difficult to consider the image of a temperamental teacher and even provocative to affect students of a teacher wo were working in a correct form. These arguments are degraded and taken irrelevancy in later scenes when the professor were worried about penitents and education of boys.

The movie don’t have a correct development structure, even all the personalities of the characters magically changes, and it’s unreal. This isn’t a creative story, it looks like a Hollister movie.

Its a too conformist than we like to remember about the movie, but perhaps these values are as progressive enough to carry a somersault that changed an entire genre: it is not little and it must be remembered.


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