Actividad diagnostica Match the following sentences
Enviado por JoseElizondo • 26 de Marzo de 2014 • 744 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 350 Visitas
Actividad diagnostica
1. Match the following sentences.
a) If we don’t water plants,
b) If you study hard,
c) If water becomes ice ,
d) If you don´t study harder
e) When you boil water for a long time ( ) it turns into vapor.
( ) you will fail the test
( ) they die
( )you will pass the exam
( )it floats
2. Write one general truth about yourself.
When / If I am on Facebook all night , I can’t wake up the next morning
3. Write one cause- effect situation about yourself
If I don´t help with the house chores , I will no get permission to go out
Actividad de adquisicion del conocimiento
In this activity you will recognize and use the conditional 0 structure to write about something which is generally true in a context related to water.
1. Gloria has to make a presentation at school abut water . She has to do some research about facts related to water , but she is staying at her grandparent’s. They don´t have internet access , and the presentation is due the next day. Read the telephone conversation below to find out how Gloria solved the problem.
2. Identify the solution that Gloria found out to solve the problem and write it on the line
5.Use to words in the box to complete some different facts about water.
Needs Process Water Leaves Die When
a. If you ____________ a barrel of crude oil , it ___________________ 7000 litters of water to refine it.
b. Plants _____________ if they don´t get enough___________________.
c. ________________ you drink water , it _____________ your stomach in about 5 minutes.
7. Use the Conditional 0 structure and the water facts to write five sentences in your notebook
Actividad de organizacion y jerarquizacion
In this activity you will talk about your future plans
1. Read the following conversation
3.Write in the timeline below the years and activities you think you will be doing in the future.
5.Use your