Aplicación de tecnologías de la información en marketing: experiencia de países en desarrollo
Enviado por Martha Elba Hernandez • 31 de Enero de 2021 • Tarea • 468 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 85 Visitas
Alvarez Ramírez Luis Fernando 6°01
Application of information technologies in marketing: experience of developing countries
Date of delivery: January 22nd, 2021
The Internet promises to revolutionize the dynamics of international trade and, like telephone and fax, can be an important force in the democratization of capitalism. Small businesses will be able to compete more easily in the global market and consumers in emerging markets, in particular, will benefit from the expanded range of products, services and information to which the Internet will give them access.
Marketing penetrated all modern areas of life and became an integral part of the business. The question of the need for marketing, advertising and various related technologies is considered from the point of view of sellers. The aggressiveness of marketing tools is thought to be directly proportional to their impact. For the buyer, the answer to the question of the need for marketing is not obvious; often, with the help of marketing, in particular advertising, various needs are imposed.
The use of information marketing technologies, for example, contextual advertising has become the standard for companies. In crisis markets, sellers aggressively use these tools without any hesitation. Buyers, on the other hand, react differently to such tools. The general idea of modern marketing is that it is necessary to use appropriate and effective marketing media in each specific market (Leonow, 2018). First, it is necessary to define the classification characteristics of the market environment, perform the appropriate classification. Then determine the feasibility of using certain tools in each context. Information technology in marketing helps collect information about consumer preferences and needs. It is also a tool to generate needs for a product or service.
Hoy se habla de estructuras horizontales, flexibilidad en los procesos y trabajo en equipo. Estos cambios en la economía global han influido en el desarrollo de los negocios internacionales y en la evolución del marketing internacional. Además, gracias a la Internet el mercado de masas se convierte en un mercado de nichos y las empresas tienen más oportunidades de acceder a los mercados exteriores.
El posicionamiento de una marca en los mercados internacionales depende en gran medida de una estrategia de comunicación clara y contundente. Sin embargo, Internet facilita la comunicación de la empresa gracias a características como la interactividad, la flexibilidad y la velocidad. Además, la Internet le permite a las organizaciones innovar constantemente en la gestión de marca El crecimiento internacional a largo plazo de Internet brinda la oportunidad de transacciones y flujos de información transfronterizos. Muchas empresas realizan comercio internacional en Internet con esta gama de modelos comerciales que admiten varios tipos diferentes de sitios web.