Enviado por arlenrdgz • 31 de Octubre de 2017 • Apuntes • 3.679 Palabras (15 Páginas) • 208 Visitas
Este CONVENIO MUTUO DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD entre _____________________(en adelante denominado como _________) con domicilio en ______________________________ y ISS ____________________________, (en adelante denominado como "___________") ubicado en _____________________________.
This MUTUAL CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT is between _____________________ (herein referred to as " _____ ") located at ___________________________ -and _____________________________________________________, (herein referred to as “______________”) located at_______________________.
Each of MER and ___ are a “party” and together they are referred to as the “parties”.
A). Cada parte es poseedora de valiosa Información Confidencial.
| A) Each party possesses valuable Confidential Information.
1 OBLIGACIÓN DE CONFIDENCIALIDAD Las partes podrán ser consideradas como Receptora o reveladora de acuerdo a la información o forma que se proporcionen entre ellas. La Parte Receptora no debe divulgar la Información Confidencial.
3 DIVULGACIÓN DE LA INFORMACIÓN CONFIDENCIAL La Parte Receptora no debe divulgar la Información Confidencial a ninguna persona, excepto:
(c) realizar todo lo necesario para garantizar que toda la Información Confidencial divulgada sea tratada con confidencialidad (incluso notificar al solicitante que la Información Confidencial es secreta para la Parte Reveladora). 4 SEGURIDAD DE LA INFORMACIÓN CONFIDENCIAL
6 RECURSOS La Parte Receptora reconoce y acuerda que la Parte Reveladora puede sufrir pérdida financiera y otros daños si cualquier Información Confidencial se divulgara a cualquier persona, excepto lo permitido por el presente Convenio, o si se utilizara para otro propósito distinto al especificado, y los daños monetarios en sí serían un recurso insuficiente por el incumplimiento de cualquier término del presente acuerdo.
Este Convenio expira en 2 años calendario; sin embargo, ambas partes deberán mantener y proteger la Información Confidencial por tiempo indefinido.
Ni este Convenio, ni la divulgación de la información conforme al presente, ni los continuos análisis y la correspondencia entre las partes deberá constituir o implicar un compromiso o una obligación vinculante entre las partes para constituir cualquier relación comercial. Si, a futuro, las partes decidieran constituir un compromiso vinculante con respecto a una relación comercial, ese compromiso se hará constar de manera explícita en un Convenio definitivo por separado, por escrito, suscrito por ambas partes, y las partes afirman por este medio, que no tienen la intención de que sus conversaciones, correspondencia y otras actividades se deban interpretar como la celebración de un contrato relacionado al mismo, o cualquier otra transacción entre ellos sin la ejecución de tal Convenio definitivo, escrito por separado. Si cualquier cláusula (o parte de cualquier cláusula) del presente Convenio es ilegal o inaplicable en cualquier jurisdicción pertinente, puede dividirse para los objetivos de esa jurisdicción, sin afectar la aplicabilidad de otras cláusulas de este Convenio.
El presente Convenio se rige y se interpreta de acuerdo con la legislación federal Mexicana. Las partes se someten irrevocable e incondicionalmente a la jurisdicción exclusiva de los tribunales ubicados en la ciudad México Distrito Federal. 8 Idioma y texto. El presente Convenio se encuentra escrito en español y en inglés. En caso de existir alguna inconsistencia entre ambas versiones, prevalecerá la versión en español. 9 DEFINICIONES
Información Confidencial significa la Información Confidencial, privada y comercialmente delicada de la Parte Reveladora (independientemente de la manera en la cual se divulgue la información o el momento de dicha divulgación) incluyendo información que:
(c) está vinculada por obligaciones (incluyendo, pero sin limitación, por contrato) establecidas en el presente, incluyendo, pero no de forma específica, obligaciones de confidencialidad y obligaciones conforme a la cláusula 7ª. sobre los términos no menos severos que aquellos que se establecen en este Convenio Parte Receptora significa la parte a la que la Parte Reveladora divulga su Información Confidencial. Objetivo Especifico significa: (a) la evaluación de las posibles oportunidades comerciales entre la Compañía y prospectos que presente el Cliente; y/o (b) el suministro de producto y/o servicios de la Compañía al Cliente según lo solicite el Cliente de forma periódica. | 1 DUTY OF CONFIDENTIALITY The parties may be considered Receiving or Disclosing according to the information or form to be provided intended for them. The Receiving Party must keep confidential the Confidential Information. 2 USE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 3 DISCLOSURE OR USE OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION The Receiving Party must not disclose any Confidential Information to any person except:
Each party agrees that any Confidential Information obtained from the other party and covered by this Agreement shall not be used to circumvent the Disclosing Party to develop business, products, services or technologies that would compete with the Disclosing Party. Specifically in this regard, each party agrees not to use any of the Confidential Information for its own commercial benefit or for any purpose except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 4 SECURITY OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION If the Receiving Party becomes aware of any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Confidential Information, the Receiving Party must:
5 RETURN OF CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION At the Disclosing Party’s request, the Receiving Party must, at its own expense, immediately return or destroy all documents and materials containing or embodying the Confidential Information which are in the possession or control of the Receiving Party, the Permitted Persons and any other person to whom the Receiving Party has disclosed the Confidential Information whether or not with the consent of Disclosing Party. 6 REMEDIES The Receiving Party acknowledges and agrees that the Disclosing Party may suffer financial and other loss and damage if any Confidential Information is disclosed to any person except as permitted by this Agreement or used for any purpose other than the Specified Purpose, and that monetary damages alone may be an insufficient remedy for a breach of any term of this Agreement.
7 MISCELLANEOUS This Agreement expires in 2 calendar years; The parties shall maintain and protect the Confidential information for an indefinite time.
Neither this Agreement, nor the disclosure of Confidential Information under this Agreement, nor the ongoing discussions and correspondence between the parties, shall constitute or imply a commitment or binding obligation between the parties to enter into any commercial relationship. If, in the future, the parties elect to enter into a binding commitment regarding a commercial relationship, such commitment will be explicitly stated in a separate, definitive written agreement executed by both parties, and the parties hereby affirm that they do not intend their discussions, correspondence, and other activities to be construed as forming a contract relating thereto or any other transaction between them without execution of such separate, definitive written agreement. If any clause (or part of any clause) in this Agreement is illegal or unenforceable in any relevant jurisdiction, it may be severed for the purposes of that jurisdiction without affecting the enforceability of other clauses of this Agreement. This Agreement embodies the entire understanding and agreement between the parties, and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written representation with regard to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may not be modified except by a written instrument signed by both parties. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement is governed by, and construed in accordance with, the federal laws of México. The parties irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the e courts located in the city of Mexico. 8 Language and Text. This Agreement is written in Spanish and English. If there is any inconsistency between the Spanish version and the English version, the Spanish version shall prevail. 9 DEFINITIONS In this Agreement: Confidential Information means the confidential, proprietary and commercially-sensitive information of the Disclosing Party (irrespective of the form or the manner in which the information is disclosed or the time of such disclosure) including information which: (c) relates to the business affairs and practices of the Disclosing Party (including information relating to its customers, financial information, products and business opportunities); or (d) is intellectual property of the Disclosing Party. (a) genuinely needs to know the Confidential Information for the Specified Purpose; (b) is made aware that the Confidential Information is confidential and subject to the terms of this Agreement; and (c) is bound by obligations (including, without limitations, by contract) set forth herein, including, without limitation, confidentiality obligations and obligations under Section 7th, on terms not less stringent than those set out in this Agreement. Receiving Party means the party to which the Disclosing Party discloses its Confidential Information. (a) the evaluation of potential business opportunities between the Company and prospectus offered by the Customer; and/or (b) the Company’s supply of product and/or services to the Customer as requested by the Customer from time to time. |
Por / By __________________. By:_____________________________ Firma/Signature ( Representante Autorizado) _________________________ Nombre / Name (Impreso) Legal Representative ____ Puesto / Title
____________________________ _ Fecha / Date | Por/ By __________. By:_____________________________ Firma/Signature ( Representante Autorizado) _____________________ Nombre / Name (Impreso) __________________________ ____ Position/ Title
_____________________________ Fecha / Date |