- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

El Libro Negro De Las Marcas

Enviado por   •  27 de Octubre de 2014  •  1.127 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  381 Visitas

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The black books of marks: The dark side of global business

Klaus Werner /Hans Weiss

The book talk about the injustice and the other side that global business have such as McDonalds’.

The book mention that there´s people that do not want to let it more that some companies allow the child work, the exploitation of ecosystems, and labor exploitation, hidden by the name of “Justice commerce”. Also, the book mention some problems that we can find in the Global companies, and also the practice made by the companies.

Almost every global business publish some environmental and social reports, neither Nike and the rest of the global companies that make their products in poor countries want to pay good salaries, by contrast, they pay bad salaries and they give to their workers lack of good conditions.

According with the International Labor Organization, there are like 250 millions of kids between five and fourteen ages that are obligate to work, we find that the most of the kids are of countries in Asia, Africa and Latin-American.

What about the Bayer Company? The company is the most important and the leader in global business about the tantalum metal, one raw material most meet in the world. But what the company does not want to say is the precedence of the tantalum that cause the exploitation of lot of men, women and children in mines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that more than two million people die each year from pesticides. This active ingredient is also classified by the World Health Organization as "extremely dangerous". The inhabitants of the surrounding are not safe even poison inside their huts. Prolonged exposure may cause fever, eye irritation, nausea, dizziness, chronic diarrhea, skin rashes, asthma and even cancer.

And… McDonald´s? This Company have an important role all over the world, why? Because actually McDonald´s have a lot of branches around the world, most of the income of this company was provided by Europe. The biggest chain of fast-food all over the world, is at the same time one of the principal buyer of vaccine meat.

In South America, due to this company lot of tropical rainforest were destroyed due to the necessity of grazing land of cattle for this company, so there we find the damage that some of this companies had make to our world.

About 85% of climate changes caused by agriculture are attributable to the production of forage. Guilt is methane gas that expels every so stomach of ruminants.

The animal protection organizations also criticized the methods used by fast-food companies. In industrial establishments, the animals live in a very small space and are treated like machines. The bulls are castrated without anesthesia. Usually there is no ventilation or space to graze. Power is based on concentrated feed, which is often enriched with hormones and antibiotics to make animals grow and develop faster and arrive before the slaughter.

That cause many problems with ecological organizations, also the ones who are uncharged to the animal protection. Those organizations started to make conscience in people, they show how these companies treat the animals. That´s why companies such McDonald’s and Burger King need to said that they are going to change their methods.

Other Company that had problems was Nestle, due that they made that Young mothers


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