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Alejandra Bejarano

Professor Anders

BUS 206

April 1, 2013


The notion and desire of becoming rich instantaneously and making easy money is an evil that has affected all type of societies social classes and. Usually the most affected classes are middle and lower ones because people from these classes don’t have a job, or any source of money which forces them to try to get money at any cost. This social problematic along with unemployment, and social inequality has produced and strength crimes, kidnapping, robberies, swindles; etc. On other hand, activities like gambling, prostitution, scams, and lotteries, have also increased in rate because of this desire of easy and fast money. Gambling might seem harmless and safe, but is gambling a good activity? Is it safe?

Gambling is defined as “the wagering of money or something of material value on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods” (, 2013).  In the US, gambling is legal, but it is regulated, it has several restrictions, and its involvement has augmented in the past few years. Real money is not necessary when gambling, since it can take place with several materials which are given a value, and are not real money.

There are numerous types of gambling, such us, casino games, table games, electronic games, bingo, lotteries, scratch cards, sports betting, card games; etc. “In 2007, gambling activities generated gross revenues of $92.27 billion in the United States.” (, 2007)

Gambling is current a controversial issue, since it hardly criticized as well as defended. According to insight news “Commercial casinos provided 354,000 jobs, and state and local tax revenues of $5.2 billion.” (, 2013) Even though gambling is legally restricted in the US, it plays an important role in the economy. Moreover, one of the most influential and famous countries in the US, Las Vegas, is the home of gambling. Gambling might seem to have good effects on the economy in fields like unemployment and tax revenue. However, The National Gambling Impact Study Commission report estimates that” nearly 15 million men, women and children have a problem or pathological addiction to gambling” (, 2013)

Only in the U.S, gamblers lose $6 billion dollars a year at Las Vegas casinos. Gambling can be extremely addictive. Gambling leads to political corruption, and it is statically demonstrated that it increases crime. It will most likely affect lower class and middle class people, who don’t have high salaries, and the only money they have, they spend it gambling. Therefore, it isn’t only the impact in economics but also in society. Gambling has a good impact in economy since it provides thousands of jobs. Hotels and restaurants are also benefitted from gambling. Moreover, the demand for goods and services is clearly increased by gambling. The economy is constantly injected and stimulated thanks to gambling.


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