Enviado por petite78 • 19 de Junio de 2013 • 2.100 Palabras (9 Páginas) • 556 Visitas
How you feel globalization has shaped your own local community?
My community has change for good and bad because of globalization, some jobs that were outsourced to another country have caused other people lose their jobs simply because the costs were too high to maintain in their homeland. A lot of companies have chosen to outsource their services to other countries because of the costs and the opportunity to expand their business into another country.
Today more and more people are seeing what is happening in another part of the world, they know if a country is in political turmoil or if they suffering from natural calamities. They can also know if a country is growing or is a great tourist destination, people are traveling more often, more and more people are becoming enlightened by the philosophy and though of another culture from another part of the world. The exchange of cultures has made the world a better place, people are open to learning new things and experiencing another culture. Globalization change the all lifestyle of people in various aspects such as food, clothing, fashion, consumption and entertainment. Many of our daily activities are different from that of our parents and grandparents but they seem increasingly to people from other countries.
The media have contributed to overcrowding of certain patterns of behaviors, tastes or ways of dressing generating one of the characteristic features of today’s society. The global mass cultures were becoming a society with many varieties of products entertainment, fashion etc. The spread of global mass culture has allowed the formation of an industry of goods and services associated with it such as fashion, music and a range of products available to people in all parts of world.
Globalization has shaped and change the world for years to come, this event has connected to world and has swung the fortunes of economies worldwide. It has brought into existence certain companies that make profits dependent on companies across the globe. Every day we have more aware and we owe to new technologies such as internet, social networks, cellphones and thanks to the technology that has made globalization in something concrete, comprehensive information in real time and not capitalized media like TV's and radio also that means connection between production, technologies, market and logistic. In short it accelerates the communication between people in different countries and the governments. I have seen the changes in the ways my neighbors and I shop, how we interact and the effects of this change on the community, in particular I've notice mas merchant opening up around my neighborhood, gasoline at a very high cost, we cannot forget the food also at very high cost, the problem with immigrants, the Iraq war and the problems with North Korea all that has contributed my community globalization. Cities throughout the world are struggling with large scale economic changes and their social effects immigration, intensified demographic inequalities, multistage tension and divisive, politics revolving around race, ethnic, gender and increasingly sustainability. The globalization also change the education the way globalization has influenced trade barriers and communications among countries has in turn habituated the way educators educate. Corporations have targeted schools and colleges and have turned to them in order to help with expansion. Courses and programs were restructured in order to increase the marketing for programs such as MBAs and distance learning courses. A distance learning course is an online based course that has helped people who may already be working or those who need to stay at home achieve a degree. As a result the cost for students to attend universities has gone up as well, leading to a change in the way loans and grants are distributed and in what quantity. The perception people have on the current economy is playing a major impact in globalization effect on education. Regardless of the higher costs, students are still finding it necessary to stay in school and get as much accreditation as they can before entering the job market. It's projected that in the next few years enrollment numbers will continue to rise significantly due to the belief that not having a degree in today's economy is detrimental to success. The restricted courses are allowing students to prepare for particular jobs as opposed to giving them a general education on a subject. This is described as being a "managerial-based" teaching strategy where students are not only taught the concepts needed for their degree, but in leadership as well. This is something to hardly be opposed too, but the increase in direct costs for students is cause for concern among some people. Some people are looking at this relationship between globalization and education and defining it as a technique the government is using to unitize education across the world. Some people feel the government is doing so because of pressure from "greater powers" to increase the educational well-being of students without receiving any opposition to the changes. The increasing understanding is that globalization is being reflected in an educational agenda that allows for various, and countless, improvements upon the education system that allows the educators themselves to expand on their teaching, and present students with real world situations that require them to "think outside the box", or outside the realm of their particular field, if you will.
Globalization seems to be, overall, a pretty beneficial movement in terms of education, although there are still several obstacles in its way. “That the world's economies have thrived in globalization, as they all share a deep commitment to the education of young people. But he goes on to say that while these nations have gone on to use globalization to increase their educational prosperity, globalization has further distributed more "wealth to the wealthy" and fewer benefits to the poor”. David Deep Economist. Also the globalization changes the economy because of globalization, most of the countries of the world no longer concentrated on local markets. Their focus became on regional or even world markets. It also changed the way they produced goods domesticity including which goods they produced at all. Just because a country might have the resources and ability to produce a particular commodity no longer meant that they would necessarily produce it. If someone else in the world could produce it more cheaply and with a higher quality, they