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Organismo Público Descentralizado del Gobierno del Estado de Puebla

División de negocios

Técnico Superior Universitario en Mercadotecnia

Asignatura: Contabilidad

Docente: Daniel Tejeda

Alumno: Jesús Alexis Gómez Cordero

Fecha de entrega: 12/04/2021


Assets These are the company's resources and assets such as: investments in affiliated companies, rights in partnerships, long-term debtors, intangible assets, stock fluctuation and amortization.

Current Assets. Sum of available assets (financial, debtors and inventories).

Amortization. The repayment of a debt or borrowed capital plus interest, if any.

Fiscal year. The period for which the administration's income and expense budgets are prepared.

Savings. Part of the present disposable income of an economic person that is not spent on consumption, requires suppressing a current consumption and deferring it to some time in the future.

Tariff. A tax or duty levied on imported goods.

Durable good. A good that is not consumed immediately and that lasts a long time providing, successively and many times, the service for which it was created.

Balance sheet. An accounting statement that shows the total assets, total liabilities and net worth of a company at a given moment in time.

Bank. An institution that performs financial intermediation tasks, receiving money from some economic agents (deposits), to lend it to other economic agents (credits).

Balance sheet. Also called statement of financial position. It is a document that shows the value and nature of a company's economic resources.

Profit. In accounting terms, gross profit is defined as total revenues minus the direct costs of producing those revenues.

minus the direct expenses to produce those revenues, such as salaries, wages, raw materials, etc.

Consumer goods. Goods intended to satisfy the needs of the final domestic consumer and which are in a condition to be used or consumed without any further commercial processing.

Capital is the sum of all resources, assets and values.

Check . A written order drawn on a commercial bank to pay, on presentation, all or part of the funds available to the drawer in a current account.

Commission. The remuneration given by an investor to a commission agent for executing an order to buy and sell securities negotiable on the Stock Exchange, for

advising him on the same or for administering the client's securities, according to the client's request.

Deficit. it is characterized by the existence of a balance corresponding to expenses that were not covered by income.

Depreciation. It is a reduction of fixed assets, whether in quantity, quality, value or price.

Financial Statement. A report that reflects the financial situation of a company. Freight. The price paid for the rental of a ship for the transportation of goods. of merchandise.

Investment fund. A fund made up of contributions from individuals and legal entities for investment in securities and assets.

Direct expenses. Payments to employees, suppliers, beneficiaries and other private recipients of government payments.

Financial expenses. Expenses incurred by the company in obtaining financial resources and represented by interest and premiums on promissory notes, bonds, debentures, etc.

Income tax. It is a direct tax because it specifically affects the income of individuals and corporations.

VAT (value added tax). It is a very technically defined tax, since it is completely neutral, particularly in export and import operations.

Bill of exchange. An unconditional order to pass on a specified sum of money.

Liquidity. The greater or lesser ease with which the holder of a security or asset can transform it into money at any time.

Marketing. The branch of business administration that studies all the functions that a company must perform to investigate the needs of the consumer and translate this information.

Total liabilities. The sum of the company's liabilities, capital and reserves.

Value added. The present value of the instrument calculated according to its purchase rate.

Nominal value. Corresponds to the initial value of the instrument issued. In the case of discountable documents that do not have a nominal rate.


Activos. Son los recursos y activos de la empresa como: inversiones en empresas afiliadas, derechos en sociedades, deudores a largo plazo, activos intangibles, fluctuación de existencias y amortización.

Activo corriente. Suma de los activos disponibles (financieros, deudores y existencias).

Amortización. Reembolso de una deuda o de un capital prestado más los intereses, en su caso.


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