- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  15 de Abril de 2015  •  Síntesis  •  383 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  101 Visitas

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Three business areas:

• Measurement Systems

• Computer Products

• Computer Systems (CSO) IF FOCUSES ON THIS AREA

Each of these areas has its own sales team, R & D, mkt, production and manufacturing.

Within the company there are two different cultures:

1. A focused product divisions oriented long-term benefits

2. A territorial network must meet sales quotas short term

Core values ​​of the company:

• Confidence in individuals

• High level of success

• Integrity

• Teamwork

• Flexibility and innovation


1. Large or corporate: 2,500 customers, billing each 0.5-2 M $. Occupy 65% ​​uptime of the commercial network. 5% of these customers represent 40% of sales, not Pareto, risk is met.

2. Small and Medium Business: each client billing <0.25 M $. The serving a mix of commercial HP and distributors.

3. Individual customers: indirect retail (shops) channel.


In 1992 changes the traditional commercial structure based on geography to a customer strategy by sector, three teams are established:

Red Team: Priority Customers who in turn are divided into three categories:

1. Financial services and banking, retail oil and gas.

2. Federal Government and aerospace ind

3. Telecommunications, media, utilities

Green Team: are responsible for providing service and coverage to partners which sell direct to customers before HP

Blue Team: telephone selling non-strategic sectors, ie in sectors that do not lead or the red team and the green team

 This generates resistance from trade that are diminished his power and freedom of action with customers.

After this structure realize they have to go to a commercial structure for opportunities rather than on sectors, this is the result of consulting work I mention below.


Company aim: due to the downward pressure of electronics products, the commercial cost of $ 0.3 per dollar sold (ie 30%) will not be able to maintain in the future, we must find ways to reduce it up to $ 0.1 per dollar sellers


The consultant DUDLEY at the request of HP makes a study in one major customer, in a good area, with the intention of finding areas for improvement in the sales network and understand the customer, if areas for improvement in this client you will find, they may extrapolated to other, parallel an internal analysis of the commercial network at all levels is also made.

Total potential of a client according to consultant Dudley: a client have four potential areas in which they can sell them


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