- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Infografía operaciones bancarias.

Enviado por   •  21 de Noviembre de 2016  •  Informe  •  268 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  207 Visitas

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For a long time, there have been a lot of restrictions for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to access to long term credit, this situation has led governments to establish institutional systems to facilitate access to credit and reduce the cost of it, with some conditions like a feasibility justified.

In Mexico, SMEs represent the main support of the economy, according to the National Institute of Statistic and Geography, SMEs represent more than 52% of Mexico's GDP and 72% of the jobs in the country, being this the main actor for a healthy economy.

In Mexico, most of SMEs are financed by their owners, families or small societies formed by friends. Most of the people are not used to using the different types of opportunities for a project finance.

One of the problems when you want to be financed by the government area is that not always have enough financial resources to satisfy the demand of entrepreneurs in business incubators, sometimes you don’t receive enough money or just don’t receive nothing. In private banking may become difficult access to long-term financing because a business may not yet have the necessary sustainability for the payment of a loan.

In my point of view, sometimes even if you get or not financed, the business are not a success. In Mexico we need a real economy culture and knowledge about creation and development of enterprises. Is necessary a common action between the government with institutions such Ministry of Economy and Nacional Financiera with other instances like private banking and institutions for the international trade promotion, the best future for mexican SMEs is beyond the borders.


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