- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Life changes when our thoughts

Enviado por   •  18 de Noviembre de 2013  •  Ensayo  •  356 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  207 Visitas

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Life changes when our thoughts

Thinking is the role that nature has given us. The mind makes us human, is the greatest power we have. The state of our thoughts determines our life and life is changed when our thoughts. No need to know that the mind is a power , however it works , whether for good or ill . If the life you live you do not like , change your way of thinking.

Energy follows thought. Check your beliefs, your ideas. If you go looking for work thinking you're not going to get, and sayest not get a job , make a decree , life pleases you and do not get it because the word has the power to make manifest that thought . Good luck? No, it is positive thinking. Because positive thinking attracts what you think and when you add the power of the word and you accompany it with the feeling , you give the write first .

The positive word

With the word create environments where habitats and live yours. Failing to recognize this power many words thrown left and right as setting fires lit matches at home, at work, among friends . Many tragedies , breakups, crises caused by negative words spoken at the wrong time ! Watch your thoughts , listen to your word .

The positive word feeds you and makes you recognize . A thought for the good of others becomes a force of light that guides you through life. Never curse because the negative energy that fills your environment generate codes that attract negative energy into your life and circumstances misfortunes , tragedies , and yes , bad luck.

We are responsible for our thoughts

Thoughts are like rays from the thinker and go to other areas and influence others. We are responsible for the good or evil they cause.

Every day observed the state of your thoughts and feelings. Do not go out into the street without revisarte . Set aside negative thoughts , positive thoughts attract , think do good and give thanks for life. If you want to change the world , just think about the world you want


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