Enviado por Ana Maria Moreno • 22 de Agosto de 2015 • Informe • 953 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 110 Visitas
Martínez Martínez Isabella 201221331 _____________________________
Monroy Roa Daniela Alejandra 201312297 _____________________________
Morelli Aroca Verónica 201220971 _____________________________
Moreno Quezada Ana María 201311200 _____________________________
Vélez Rivas Camila 201313225 _____________________________
Date: April 21 , 2014
Group : 1
Secondary sector: Industry transformation (specific sector: tires)
“Organization team’s work”: Only for those VARIABLES that have been assigned: Communications
a) Define the meaning of the variable: Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, written, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more living creatures.
b) Analyze, “superficially”, the TENDENCY of the Variable in the last 5 years: For five years communications have become one of the protagonists of the global macro scenario, have changed substantially and have become one of the fastest growing variables in the global economy. In addition, it has penetrated every aspect of human life and in all sectors of the economy , communications play an important role in organizations nowadays , because they can show to the word the image of the company,helping to facilitate the development and increasing investment.
c)Evaluate the possible TENDENCY of the Variable in the next 5 years: In the next five years, communications could continue increasing in a rampant way, systems modernization, and because of this, there would be a bigger competition among organizations, besides this, it could ensure the safety and speed of information even more efficient and effective.
Summary of the article: The article is about the credit agency Fitch estimates that communications invest up to 25% of revenues in extending coverage of 4G services in Colombia. However, the main obstacle to this goal is the permissions to install infrastructure.
Question: “With global scope but with local emphasis and having in mind the tendency of the VARIABLE chosen for the work, evaluate the possible effects that such a TENDENCY could have in the development add performance of the organization chosen by the team organization, in the short, medium, and long term.”
- In the Short term: Due to the accelerated growth of technology development at the last 5 years , Michelin has a page dedicated to the news of the company, where people can show their progress, for this reason Michelin at short term would require keeping their internet page updated and even the redesign of this to attract more markets, also the company manages a Media Relations Department that would need to be constantly trained to communicate to the media the different developments and even difficulties that are presented to the company, thus managing to post an image spotless, both of these actions would generate that the company has to make a small investment the next months in training sessions and systems engineers, thereby helping the variable of the employment.