Purchasing Behaviour of Young Consumers
Enviado por Ivan Arias • 28 de Enero de 2016 • Ensayo • 2.437 Palabras (10 Páginas) • 339 Visitas
Purchasing Behaviour of Young Consumers
Ivan Arias Quezada – A01560015
Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Chihuahua
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Purchasing Behaviour of Young Consumers
Family influences on consumer behaviour, and over time have been measured through the root causes, as well as through the results that shed several studies. In this paper examines the process of transfer of family influences chance to form relationships between measures of influence. Thus, a structural model that show in which the measures of family influence is, and observe as susceptibility to family influence is a key knowledge, and family influence is proposed, and how is that family influences on aspects such as attitudes, preferences, and abilities positively involved parents, and children to buy the same brands of products.
When the young man leaves from his family it means him having to confront situations of buying that, on several occasions, are unknown. But the young man must deal with the purchase of many products independently, before which lacks experience, and information about the product that the young want to buy.
As a result of this lack of experience, and information, the young man will be very susceptible to external information, and in particular the information provided by his family, since it is a close, and reliable reference (Cotte and Wood, 2004; Feltham, 1998).
An important aspect in the analysis, has resulted in the measurement of family influences. This measurement can be performed from three views; the first, through the causes that generate the influence (Netemeyer, Bearden, and Teel, 1989; Park, and Lessig, 1977). Secondly, through the results of influence is aspects of consumer behaviour such as skills, preferences, and attitudes related to consumption (Moore, and Lutz, 1988; Viswanathan, 2000). Finally, the end result of the influence in the choice of brands through specific product (Childers, and Rao, 1992; Feltham, 1998; Webster, and Wright, 1999).
In many papers in the literature, they have measured influences through a single measure, and are very few studies that have analysed several of these measures together for comparison (Moore, 2002; Viswanathan, 2000). However, these measures analysed different aspects of family influence, and it seems logical to believe in the existence of a relationship of causality between them. Thus, if the causes that generate the influence, are used it is likely that results in certain skills, preferences, and attitudes influence, and that, in turn, it is finally appears that the purchase by young people are the same brands of products used by their parents.
In this work, is going to establish a model that are related to the various measures of family influence, both those that are intended to measuring the causes of influence (informational, and regulatory factors of susceptibility to the influence of the family), and those who analysed the results of influence (influence on skills, preferences, and attitudes coincidence in brands, purchased by parents, and young people) even it will be included in the model, the variable, knowledge family, being an important factor in the analysis of influences.
Thus, in the next item a series of hypotheses will make a review of the most important aspects in the literature of family influences, raised in line with that found in previous studies, a number of hypotheses to be tested through effective education.
Purchase behaviour
The study of family influences on the young, is within the research referred to in the literature as international influences. This discipline of the consumer behaviour is defined as "the influence of a family generation over another in terms of transfer of skills, attitudes, preferences, values, and behaviours related to market" (Childers, and Rao, 1992; Heckler, and Aruachalam, 1989; Shah, and Mittal, 1997).
Since the causes originating the influence, emphasize the work of Park, and Lessig (1977) which speaks of three factors that turn on the susceptibility of the individual to influence: firstly, it is noted that the information subject to the allows the influence purchasing decisions influenced deal with a major criterion (informative factor); secondly, acceptance of the advice offered by the influencer agent often originate influenced satisfaction for the influencer agent, which generates an emotional stimulus for the influenced (gain factor); and thirdly, the influence allows influenced agent, get a greater sense of integration, and membership in the group to which it belongs (expressive factor value).
Susceptibility to the influence is also studied by Netemeyer, Bearden, and Teel (1989). These authors follow the same structure of work carried out by Park, and Lessing (1977), and point to two factors that help influence the susceptibility of the individual: the informative factor, and regulatory factor.
Thus, using an analysis to the study of family influences, we could say in the informational factor, youth would seek information from his family in order to have a better judgment when choosing for himself the best product or brand, and with respect to the normative dimension, the objective of the young is to seek approval from their parents of certain purchases. In the latter case, and as we had mentioned it, it's a sense of identification or importance of the opinion of his family in the purchase decision which generate a certain utility (Bearden, and Etzel, 1982; Feltham, 1998).
Additionally, intergenerational influences research also analysed with particular interest the role played by the family communication as a precedent of the influence. This family communication has to be analysed in its broadest sense, should be talking all kinds of communication both implicit, and explicit, and in addition, it must be analysed in relation to its effectiveness in the transmission of knowledge. To consider the effectiveness of communication is often resort to measures of knowledge family purchase behaviour. (McLeod, and Chaffe, 1962; Moore, and Lutz, 1988).
To be a family influence, it will be necessary that previously existed a previous knowledge of family behaviour. However, this condition of knowledge is necessary but not sufficient to justify the existence of the influence. So, we think that although young people know the brands, and products that their parents buy, or listen carefully to their advice about aspects related to the purchase, these do not have to be necessarily influenced by their parents in these same issues, and may behave differently.