- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Report Writing

Enviado por   •  4 de Marzo de 2015  •  312 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  196 Visitas

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Team work is always a challenge especially when you are forced to work with people that you don’t know. For instance, one of the biggest challenge is to communicate effectively with your teammates, as well as dividing the work in even parts; on a recent assignment for Business report writing we were in charge of changing a customer service standards for a company, for us the divide work part was simple, because we decide that each group member will answers 2 questions and then email them to another teammate who was in charge of the formatting and putting all the answers together, although we thought that will be easier than meeting during a specific day, now I know that for next time we should improve that, because each person have a different writing style and that can affect the style of the paper overall. Instead if we meeting and everyone bring answers and ideas, in that same meeting we can work together to format and give a unique writing style to the paper, creating a better flow of the idea and the most important part creating a consensus about each specific part of the paper; this also avoid someone to put their own ideas over the other people ideas.

Moreover, a meeting also creates a space to reduce conflict between different points of view, reach agreements, know better you teammates and create a better work space between the groups, all of these will lead into better results.

Although we didn’t meet as a group I think that groupthink was not an issue, because we agree in most of the assignment problems and we work all together, but in the future this will help me to work better with groups and to improve my participation on a group as well as meet with my other teammates to create a better final work.


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