- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


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A savings account is an ordinary deposit in sight (passive product), in which the funds deposited by the account have immediate availability and generate a certain return or during a certain period depending on the amount saved. The remuneration conditions vary depending on the specific product. Thus, there may be savings accounts that pay interest for example monthly, quarterly or annually. Equally, the remuneration can be linear (same interest for any balance), by balance tranches or even in kind. This type of accounts can also be subject to the payment of commissions, although since the popularization of online banking the tendency has been to suppress the payment of commissions on savings products. The services associated with a savings account also vary by entity. They can range from the most basic, such as income and payments of checks or transfers, to more complex ones such as debit or credit cards associated with the account.


A check (check or check anglicism) is a valuable accounting document in which the person who is authorized to withdraw money from an account (for example, the owner), extends to another person an authorization to withdraw a certain amount of money of your account, which is expressed in the document, regardless of the presence of the owner of the bank account. The check is a title of value to order or bearer and abstract by virtue of which a person, called drawer, unconditionally orders a credit institution to pay at sight of a sum of money determined in favor of a third party called beneficiary.


A promissory note is an accounting document that contains the unconditional promise of a person (called subscriber or debtor), that will pay a second person (called beneficiary or creditor), a certain amount of money in a certain period of time. Its name arises from the phrase that begins the declaration of obligations: "I owe and I will pay." 1 The difference between the letter and the promissory note is that the promissory note is issued by the same who contracts the loan.


Budget is the calculation and advance negotiation of income and expenses of an economic activity, whether personal, family, business or public. It contains the expenses and income corresponding to a period, usually annual. It is an action plan aimed at fulfilling a foreseen objective, expressed in financial terms, that must be fulfilled in a certain time and under certain conditions. This concept applies to each and every one of the organization's responsibility centers.1 The budget is the annual development tool for companies or institutions whose plans and programs are formulated for a period of one year.

Elaborating a budget allows companies, authorities, private entities or families to establish priorities and evaluate the achievement of their objectives. To achieve these ends it may be necessary to incur a deficit (expenses exceed income) or, on the contrary, it may be possible to save, in which case the budget will present a surplus (income exceeds expenses).


Most of these reports constitute the final product of accounting and are prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, accounting standards or financial reporting standards. The accounting is carried out by public accountants who, in most countries of the world, must register with public or private control bodies in order to practice the profession.


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