Tema- Organización Mundial de Aduanas.
Enviado por Kimberly Arevalo • 22 de Septiembre de 2016 • Apuntes • 808 Palabras (4 Páginas) • 558 Visitas
Influencia de la OMA en la Legislación Aduanera Mexicana
M.A.S.C. Cesar Gerardo Cantú Cepeda
Kimberly Yazmin Arévalo Guadiana 1582653
Cinthia Azenet Leija Platas 1552649
Diana Elizabeth Hidalgo Díaz
Grupo: SC9 Aula: 04
Monterrey, N.L. a 13 de septiembre 2016
The World Customs Organization (WCO) was born after World War II by desire of countries to relaunch world trade and provide a platform for discussion on customs matters. Currently, it is the only international intergovernmental organization that deals with Customs procedures governing trade between countries, the goal of the OMA is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of customs administration, in compliance with the provisions in terms of trade, protection of society and taxation.
In the area of market access, the WTO regularly cooperates with the World Customs Organization (WCO). This cooperation refers to the goods clasification. The WTO staff makes systematic monitoring of the work of the WCO nomenclature of the Harmonized System, both on the Expansion of Trade Technology Products the work of the Committee on Market Access and the Committee of Participants of the information. Agreements on Customs Valuation and Rules of Origin contain provisions which call for the establishment of technical committees under the auspices of WCO, focus on issues related to negotiations on trade facilitation.
WCO influence in Mexican customs legislation.
Foreign trade has an infinite number of branches that compose it, each set criteria governing transparency in trade and customs.
Customs in various activities marking the passage of goods actions are performed. Before delving into the issue of customs, it is important to note that international trade is governed by the WTO (World Trade Organization) in this body policies for goods are established, tariffs, subsidies, countervailing duties and unfair practices. This organization was created to have a foreign trade fairer and somehow easier, this was because there were no rules or regimes that agree to a more just, free and more attention to countries trade began to trade in their ancestors.
This is very similar to a body that also regulates customs processes, this body is called WCO (World Customs Organization), this body was created for the facilitation of international trade, improvement in the performance of customs activities, initiatives in the fight counterfeiting and piracy, public-private partnerships, integrity promotion, sustainable Capacity Building of customs, development of global standards, the simplification and harmonization of customs procedures and security in the supply chain (AMERICARIBE) programs.