Time-Inconsistent Preferences: The Citizens' Revolution And The Indefinite Re-election For Presidents In Ecuador
Enviado por • 25 de Mayo de 2015 • 3.493 Palabras (14 Páginas) • 276 Visitas
1. Resumen
La política en el Ecuador y en el mundo entero es un tema que causa muchas reacciones, positivas y negativas. Distintas son las ideologías y puntos de vista lo con los cuales se puede en un día ganar a un país completo y al día siguiente perderlo todo. Esto es básicamente lo que la teoría de la inconsistencia del tiempo habla, de los distintos factores que podrían influenciar en el cambio de decisiones sean estas de individuos naturales o incluso de líderes gubernamentales. En Ecuador esto ha sido evidenciado dado a los distintos cambios políticos que ha sufrido el país durante los últimos años, acciones y pensamientos que en principio eran fuertemente criticados ahora son reconsiderados por parte de muchos. Son muchos los factores que influyen y en este ensayo se analizaran las mismas.
Palabras Claves: política, Ecuador, mundo, reacciones, positivas, negativas, ideologías, teoría, inconsistencia, tiempo, influenciar, gubernamentales, cambios políticos, factores
2. Abstract
Politics in Ecuador and around the world is an issue that causes many reactions, positive and negative. Are different ideologies and views him with whom you can in a country win a full day and the next day losing everything. This is basically what the theory of time inconsistency speaking of the various factors that could influence decisions on changing individuals be they natural or even government leaders. In Ecuador this has been evidenced since the various political changes that have hit the country in recent years, actions and thoughts that were heavily criticized in principle are now reconsidered by many. There are many factors that influence and in this trial were analyzed them.
Keywords: politics, Ecuador, world, reactions, positive, negative, ideology, theory, inconsistency, time, influence, government, political, factors
3. Introduction
During the last years Ecuador has been recognize for many different aspects worldwide; from its culture, to its amazing diversity; from its growing economy to its different and revolutionary politics. Even though Ecuador´s politics like any other country politics is a topic that can bring diverse thoughts, from criticism to big supporters. The citizen´s revolution is an ideology that was brought to Ecuador at the right time to the right people.
Before the Revolution, Ecuador was going through difficulties with previous president Lucio Gutierrez, he was accused of many different things that certainly were not proven but created a great problem of trust among the citizens. This lead to a revolution among certain groups, specifically the military group that took actions into their hands and dismissed Lucio Gutierrez, letting the presidency to Alfredo Palacio Vice-President at that moment, was then when Rafael Correa made its first appearance as minister of economy and showed his revolutionary position to many Ecuadorians including socialist leaders and other important people from the politic world. As Alfredo Palacio´s time in the presidency came to an end, Rafael Correa was all around Ecuador talking and persuading Ecuadorians of the magnificence of the citizen revolution, selling the idea of greatness that this ideology had behind and this it was the peoples´ duty to seek for it in order to reach Ecuador’s fullest potential.
As appealing this whole ideology was, and continues to be to many citizens, it has carry its own problems to the mandatary, his followers and other public professionals. This mainly given to the vast amount of criticism received by many other leading countries, to the many irregularities in thoughts, laws and others shown by the president and public servers. The citizens are reluctant to the current position of the president as many postures he was first against are now being taken into consideration given the probable benefits it might bring. This could be define as the time inconsistency problem that the country is going through. The proper definition of the problem is “The problem that arises when a decision maker, especially a policy maker, prefers one policy in advance but a different one when the time to implement arrives. Knowing this, others will not find the commitment to the first policy credible.” (InvestorWords, 2014) As can be read this issue is what the country is going through and there are different factors that has led to this.
Is more than evident the changes that the politic system in Ecuador is passing at this moment. Taking everything narrowly analyzed previously this essay will study the different factors that led from a Citizens Revolution system to an Indefinite Reelection for presidency, perspective that firstly was condemned by the original revolutionary thoughts. In this specific analysis three factors are going to be evaluated, the instability or downfall governmental among others socialist government in Latin America, the lack of trust and credibility from the president, and the increasingly seek of dominance or power shown by different leaders in the parliament.
4. Body or Analysis
The first aspect to be analyzed is the instability or downfall governmental control among others socialist government in Latin America. First it must be pointed out that the revolutionary point of view comes from a socialist ideology where it seeks for wealth equality and more opportunities. This ideology openly criticizes the difference in wealth and tries to proportionate more opportunity to the lower class people. The international legal dictionary defines socialism as “An economic and social theory that seeks to maximize wealth and opportunity for all people through public ownership and control of industries and social services.” (ILegalDic, 2014) As it is visible in the economy Ecuador’s entirely ideology revolves around socialism and during these past years the results have been positive, Ecuador gross domestic product has increased and it has been ranked as one of the economies with increasingly growth in the Latin American area. Even though the outcomes of this posture establish by the current president Rafael Correa, are nothing but exceptional citizen are hesitative to the near future, how are these thoughts possible, well thanks to the primary leader of all socialist countries, Venezuela.
Venezuela must not be forgotten was one of the pioneers in socialism in Latin America proposed by the now deceased president Hugo Chavez, followed by others including Rafael Correa. Economically both countries are at different stages which as a result have created uncertainty among Ecuadorians. The current Venezuelan economy is critic, and the different deficiencies and difficulties Venezuelans are facing has brought fear to Ecuadorians and many other socialist countries. An annual report during the first trimester of 2014 shows the conditions of the country,