- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

The Dolphins, breeding and its reproduction

Enviado por   •  3 de Agosto de 2013  •  743 Palabras (3 Páginas)  •  468 Visitas

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The Dolphins the Dolphins #2

This topic will discuss about the care and respect for human beings to a marine animal species that is endangered: the dolphins. Here you will find out detailed information to preserve their relationship to their environment, and also peculiar interaction with humans. Moreover, will promote its preservation since the balance between living things that inhabit the planet, considering as important our survival depends on it.


The dolphins are aquatic mammals that live in almost all oceans of the planet. It is easy to find them while living in the open sea and also close to the beach, but without reaching the shore. The dolphins are classified in different species because they look different in terms of size, color or shape of the head In the world there are 32 species of dolphins alive; on the Mexican coast it is easy to find 17 of them, such as Common dolphins and Risso screw, these dolphins are characterized for his long body, they have a dorsal fin and two side of pectoral.

Dolphins also have flattened tail or caudal fin horizontally; with it beat the water up and down to scroll and sometimes use it to stay upright for a moment on the surface. One of the qualities that best distinguish the dolphins is their swimming speed, with some reaching 45 kilometers per hour, equivalent to that you run 700 meters in one minute.

Dolphins can swim at speeds up to 25 miles per hour specially when they are in danger; although, they usually swim at velocities of 7 to 8 miles per hour when they are swimming normally without any risk or danger.

The Dolphins #3

The breeding and its reproduction

The sounds emitted by dolphins use echolocation to travel in the water and if they find an object in its path producing with high-pitched sounds off of an echo that returns to the animal. This eco lets the dolphin know how far away they are from the object, what their size is and how it is.

Once they reach sexual maturity, dolphins start looking for a partner. The gestation period lasts from ten to twelve months depending on the species. At the time of delivery, usually the mother is by their own swimming slowly; but some others accompanying females and avoid being attacked by a shark. The dolphin is born tail. After breaking the umbilical cord, swim to the surface to breathe for the first time, if it cannot leave by itself, it is helped by its mother or some other female dolphin.

Like any mammal their first food is milk. Thus, when the baby dolphin is hungry is about the mother, who expels the milk in a stream directly to its nose. Breeding milk will take for a year or more.

Dolphins are not afraid of humans, if they are friendly with them, dolphins shown itselfs. It has been a case of dolphin divers try to push the seabed


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