The Industrial Revolution Notes On Book
Enviado por micheg • 16 de Mayo de 2013 • 1.320 Palabras (6 Páginas) • 519 Visitas
18 of December 2008
Dear Diary:
We have moved to our new house today. I cannot understand how my parents can call this place “home”, it has absolutely nothing to do with one! “Homes”, should be comfy, worm, and , above all, in conditions. This house is so old that in any minute it might fall down right on our heads! The municipality should not approve us from living down here… in reality, nobody should. Why, oh why, can’t I go back to my lovely home in London, instead of living here in stinky Liverpool? Anyway, talking about smelly, where is that horrible smell coming from? My parents say its temporal, that we’ll move out of here as soon as my father’s real state agency is all set up and ready to open… But I cannot stand this a day more! Well, at least, I’ve got the biggest room in the house all for myself… Wait a minute, what’s that? I think there is light coming from inside that black wooden armoire… I wonder what it contains…
18 of December 1808
This might sound a bit weird but, I travelled in time! Guess what the armoire contained? It was a time machine! Everything was so fast, I just went to see what the fuss was all about when suddenly I was completely blinded by that strong light, and then I appeared in the middle of what it seemed was a market. People selling meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, bread…But all spoiled! There was absolutely no hygiene in that place, and it was obvious that diseases spread easily . I was totally and completely lost, trying to look for any familiar faces when suddenly a lady dressed in rags, with four more children grabbing her hand shouted at me : “Elizabeth, come right here in this instant! What do you think you are doing spoiled brat? We are getting late!”, and she grabed me by the arm and took me somewhere I would not even recognise in my dreams.
It was even worse than the market place. As soon as we got there, I stood nearly a mile apart, while the lady and the four children kept on walking. It looked like a kind of mine, but the strange thing about it was that they were lowering children through a whole in the ground.
The lady turned around and again shouted at me” Elizabeth get inside the mine on this very second, or I’ll lower you myself!” I looked down through the whole. It not only looked dark and scary, but so unsafe. I turned around, and said to the lady : “ No way I’m getting down there”, and she got so mad , she went RED. She then pushed me violently to the edge of the whole, and that’s when I fell down.
I fell right on my stomach, and it hurt so badly, so I obviously started to cry. But not even the adults turned around to comfort me. They all kept on working, as if not a fly had stirred the air. Then I saw someone coming closer, and that’s when I saw her. She was quite pretty, blonde with caramel eyes, but it was not her prettiness that shocked me, it was the fact that she had no arms. She looked right at me and said:“Hi there! My name is Annabel, but they call me Annie. Nice to meet you! I have never seen you before, are you new?”. I nearly fainted. I had seen people with special difficulties before, but not both limbs! And the fact that the flesh had not yet fully cured, shocked me the most. But I tried not to look as impressed, so I replied: “ Ehm… No, I mean yes I mean…My name is Lizzie.”
Our friendship started right over, but I never dared to ask her about the incident. She