Xiomara Castro
Enviado por Gabo919191 • 22 de Marzo de 2013 • 1.872 Palabras (8 Páginas) • 439 Visitas
Political Essay
Xiomara Castro de Zelaya tries to expose all the different ways to help Honduras as economy, social, health and work.
1. More than three years after the military coup of June 28, 2009, Honduras is mired in the worst crisis in its history. Poverty levels are catastrophic, internal and external debt is unpayable and committed national sovereignty of an unacceptable form. The introduction of measures to deepen the neoliberal model during this period has caused a chaotic situation for all, in all areas of daily life. A few months after the occurrence of the replacement of the Nationalist government, Congress nationwide mortgage so shameful, and punished with every decision our generation and the future.
2. Special Development Regions (RED) O "model cities".
FREE categorically rejects the implementation of the law of the so-called "model cities" because it considers it an abomination against national sovereignty, and that the arguments used to justify them reflect well the irresponsibility of Congress or completing perverse purposes to sell intentionally what is left of HOMELAND. Summon cases of Asian countries such as Singapore and South Korea to impose these cities as a paradigm of development, represents a huge mockery of the Honduran people and an insult to the intelligence of a society that has grown tired of broken promises and illusions for sale homeland forever.
FREE Party reaffirms its position in that no government should arrogate the decision to fragment the country, only the sovereign will of the people can give life to such initiatives.
We demand the government of the Republic to avoid go ahead with this initiative, and since we announced to investors in these processes that our government will end with the laws that protect this violation of our sovereignty.
3. LAND STATUS: The situation of injustice and impunity in the country, has degenerated into a deep crisis in the agricultural sector, which has placed the life, physical integrity and freedom of hundreds of thousands of families at risk, and the worst part is the lack of effective response of the Government of the Republic due to its fundamentalist vision regarding economic model that applies more erroneous doctrine that handles regarding security, has caused over fifty peasants killed. Today we have vast areas of our nation militarily occupied by irregular forces fighting a war that we barely understand.
FREE PARTY demands because it stops the violation of human rights of peasants struggling to claim their rights and life expectancy for themselves and their descendants.
We support the cause of farmers organized and raised the urgent need to begin the process of building a comprehensive and definitive solution, which is incorporated in the next constitutionally National Constituent Assembly.
4. SAFETY: The Nationalist government continuously practiced a policy of repression at all levels of government, including the security and the result is 87 violent deaths per thousand inhabitants, placing us as the most violent country on earth. The conditions of extreme violence, the police collusion with sectors of organized crime and impunity that prevails in the judicial system tend to get worse every day. We demand respect for the human rights of our people, and strongly condemn the exercise of political violence, persecution, repression and the criminalization of public protest, whose origin is always the lack of solutions to the fundamental problems that plague every man and woman in our society.
5. Teachers' conflict: In an effort to quickly implement measures neoliberal model, the present administration has fiercely attacked the rights of the working class in all sectors of the country. The historic doctrine of "acquired rights" in HONDURAS, applies only to factual elites and groups that keep our country hostage. The labor gains half a century of battles have been eliminated.
FREE PARTY COMPLAINT that this administration is clearly on Nationalist offensive against the resistance of organized social sectors, in order to sell the image of our country abroad as a haven for slave labor of very low cost.
We sympathize with the social organizations, and the teachers in particular, and we express our full support for their struggles.
6. We condemn the blatant foreign interference in the internal affairs of Honduras today is discussed at the level of the media, showing an unprecedented fold in the government of the Republic, as well as a vocation submissive and servile who parasitize many years of exchequer
The term "re-foundation" has been mentioned in propaganda and proclamations but not sufficiently discussed in the possible form and content, its definition may generate greater clarity on one of the main proposals and Refoundation Freedom Party, something very necessary because there just about semantic or conceptual problem but a political issue that is at the center of the struggle of the Popular Resistance. This time I will abuse some subjectivity to use that term as a synonym for transformation. That is, I will ignore the fact that re-found, according to the digital version of the dictionary of the Real Academia de la Langue means: "Return to found something. Redefining a city. Reviewing the progress of an organization or institution, to make it back to its original principles, or to adapt to these changing times. " Such continuous adaptation is one of the main features of capitalism, is recast as social development needs and adjusts its mechanisms to address a crisis without altering its exploitative and capital accumulation, tries to expand regardless of geographical boundaries and any theorizing that seeks to "humanize" and justify its existence.
In the domestic case is not to bring back the state nor Honduran society to "first principles" on which was built the institutions or to adapt to changing times. Not only is "reviewing" the story and interpret how their march