Actividad: Metacognición
Enviado por maurygr • 25 de Noviembre de 2015 • Trabajo • 274 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 210 Visitas
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Lic. Cinthia Elizabeth García Martínez
Maury Marinthia González Rocha
Karla Gabriela Rodríguez Covarrubias
Lizbeth Yaneth Leal Rico
Ever Alamillo Barrera
Deisy Silva Torres
Osvaldo Valdés Rocha
Grupo: 21
Five years after the world was paralyzed before the ordeal experienced by the miners of Atacama (Chile), who stayed 70 days underground before being rescued, he hits theaters "The 33" a film that is "a poem life "as its star, Antonio Banderas in an interview he had in Los Angeles, California.
In an intense promotional campaign, the Spanish actor celebrated "historical fact" that a Hispanic film with a largely Hispanic cast, director and a Hispanic ,Hispanic history will have a premiere in two thousand five hundred American theaters of the day November 13 .
The film tells a story of struggle, strength and personal transformation, miners, their families and those who worked for their release, a great example of the triumph of the human spirit in terribly difficult circumstances.
For them, a hug, a plate of food was the most valued when they were facing death.
Are the basic values and that is encouraging, especially these days, where we see horrific violence and seems that life has ceased to have the value it had.
One of the most interesting facts of history is the value of all who refused to give up.
Another example of films related to real polemic facts are ' ' Twin Towers ' ' and ' ' Flight 93 ' ' that are related to terrorist acts on September 11 (eleven), 2001, in New York , United States.