Anorexia nervosa
Enviado por lalalapoly • 11 de Noviembre de 2013 • 667 Palabras (3 Páginas) • 263 Visitas
Nowadays, a lot of young people face different problems and they are affected unconsciously and the consequences are worst, even they may commit suicide. Some problems may be physical and others psychological. That is why; young people should be guided especially at the teen age to prevent any tragedy.
Nowadays according to statistics, most young teenagers are affected by the famous psychological illness called anorexia nervosa. In especial women suffer this eating disorder due to our society who forces them to be in shape, be in fashion, have many friends, and wear expensive clothes and many others. TV commercials, TV programs, radio programs, newspaper and even magazines promote this kind of stereotype - a 90, 60 90 perfect measure.
Through this essay, you will learn what the anorexia nervosa is; recognize the symptoms and signs, causes, consequences, the treatment if someone suffers it and the actual statistics around the world.
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by immoderate food restriction and irrational fear to gain weight; also it is a life – threatening psychological illness. Anorexia nervosa is when people starve themselves on purpose, even though
they are extremely skinny they still think they are overweight.
Anorexia was discovered in 1964 by an English doctor named Richard Martan.
A person with anorexia nervosa can exhibit several signs and symptoms. The principal signs are:
• seeming a skull (she or he is very skinny)
• being very irritable
• extreme fatigue
• Muscle damage
• Paralysis
• Thinking they are overweight
The physical symptoms are:
• Dry skin
• Cold hand and feet
• Absent menstrual period
• Lanugo: it is when a lot of fine hair grow on the face and body
The psychological symptoms are:
• Thinking and talking a lot about body image, body weight and food
• Unrealistic belief about getting fat
• Extreme fear to gain weight
• Being sensitive to criticism
• Having problems with relationship
The behavioral symptoms are:
• Excessive exercising
• Induced vomiting / throwing up after eating
• Eating very slowly
• Cutting food into small pieces
• Restricting amount of food
• Using laxatives or diuretics
The exact diagnosis is unclear in everyone. Anorexia nervosa can be caused by a mixture of genetic history, social influences, occupational stress such as ballet or modeling and personality trails; also they have a low self – esteem or have been abused by someone.
If the anorexia