Bipolar Disease
Enviado por diegoster • 7 de Abril de 2014 • 430 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 240 Visitas
Common signs and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder:
• Feeling unusually “high” and optimistic or extremely irritable
• Unrealistic, grandiose beliefs about one’s abilities or powers
• Sleeping very little, but feeling extremely energetic
• Talking so rapidly that others can’t keep up
• Racing thoughts; jumping quickly from one idea to the next
• Highly distractible, unable to concentrate
• Impaired judgment and impulsiveness
• Acting recklessly without thinking about the consequences
• Delusions and hallucinations
Common sign and symptoms of Bipolar Depression:
• Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.
• Irritability
• Inability to experience pleasure
• Fatigue or loss of energy
• Physical and mental sluggishness • Appetite or weight changes
• Sleep problems
• Concentration and memory problems
• Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
• Thoughts of death or suicide
Three types or stages of Bipolar disorder:
• Bipolar 1 Disorder (mania or a mixed episode) – The classic manic-depressive form of the illness, characterized by at least one manic episode or mixed episode. Usually Bipolar 1 Disorder also involves at least one episode of depression.
• Bipolar 2 Disorder (hypomania and depression) – In Bipolar 2 disorder, the person doesn’t experience full-blown manic episodes. Instead, the illness involves episodes of hypomania and severe depression.
• Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression) – Cyclothymia is a milder form of bipolar disorder. It consists of cyclical mood swings. However, the symptoms are less severe than full-blown mania or depression.
How do you know if you have a Bipolar dissorder:
• You’ve experienced repeated episodes of major depression.
• You had your first episode of major depression before age 25.
• You have a first-degree relative with bipolar disorder.
• When you’re not depressed, your mood and energy levels are higher than most people’s.
• When you’re depressed, you oversleep and overeat.
• Your episodes of major depression are short (less than 3 months).
• You’ve lost contact with reality while depressed.
• You’ve had postpartum depression before.
• You’ve developed mania or hypomania while taking an antidepressant.
• Your antidepressant stopped working after several months.
• You’ve tried 3 or more antidepressants without success.
Three therapies for Bipolar Disease:
• Cognitive-behavioral therapy
• Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
• Family-focused therapy
Medication Treatment:
• Check in frequently with