- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  28 de Junio de 2014  •  Práctica o problema  •  952 Palabras (4 Páginas)  •  169 Visitas

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1. Why did Denmark not adopt the euro?

Denmark even though is member of the European Union, after a nationwide referendum, it rejected adopting the euro and maintaining what is called krone (DKK).

2. Why does it make sense for Denmark to invest in green, environmental friendly energy?

It makes sense for Denmark to invest in green because in the last 10 years, Danish cleantech exports have grown at 3 times rate of total exports. Known primarily for wind and biomass, but also other areas such as water purification. Also, it reach 8.6 billion in 2008, exports of these products made Denmark the leading EU country in exports of energy technology as a proportion of total exports.

3. Which energy resources (could) have driven the development of Danish energy and environment technology most?

The energy resources that have driven the development of Danish energy and environment technology the most are primarily wind and biomass, but also water purification.

Denmark, is Europe's oldest kingdom, is characterized by an economy developing the private sector, which has a pattern that covers a large number of small and medium enterprises usually family owned. The working hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM and punctuality is essential. The dress code is formal, men should wear a tie and everyone should wear a suit. Upon arrival and parting is often given a handshake and usually exchange business cards. Most Danes, particularly those engaged in international business, are fluent in English and sometimes also speak German and French but, their official language is Danish.

The local businessmen greatly appreciate punctuality. The style of doing business is direct. In the world of business, industry and commerce, the rule is to speak fluent English. The holiday period in Denmark is from mid- June to mid-August and is not the best time to do business. Danish companies are actively competing in international markets, having the lead of technological development, demonstrating flexibility, skills in innovation and efficiency. Denmark having a workforce considered among the most expensive in the world, the successes of their industry is mainly due to the application of criteria of innovation, quality, design, and guaranteed availability of their products. The Danish business sector is diversified and covers virtually all subs - sectors of manufacturing, agriculture, fisheries, trade and services. They are outstanding in the energy industries, information technology, food, clothing, textiles, furniture, bio- technology and pharmaceutical industry.

The Danish society is very democratic, therefore hierarchies do not matter much, does not mean you do not respect their elders or superiors, they are very polite and respectful people. The Danes are very serious at work but they have a great sense of humor in their social life. The Danes are not considered very European.


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