- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

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 My grandmother Rafaela Rosario.

 Full name:

Angela Fernandez.


 In the Morning class.


Mr. Manners.


September 09/2015.

María Trinidad Sánchez.  



In this composition I will talk about the person most important of my life my   grandmother.

  First I’ll talk  about her  life in  general  and  then  go  make  a description about her.

  And finally I will explain why she is the person most important of my life.



 My grandmother Rafaela was born on October 24th of the 1940 in San Francisco of


 Her family was poor and since she was a child had to work to help her parents, reason

 Why she only get to third of primary, but when 16 years was married with my

 Grandfather and had 10 children, they then moved to Maria Trinidad Sánchez, here     lives in this moment.

 My  grandmother is  a  person  very  friendly  and sociable  because,  she  is  always  smiling  and talking  with  everyone. Also is an efficient person and independent, because although she is one older person never to left of worker for alive.

 What I like is her is that person loving, reserved and honest, and always that I need her, listen to me end tries to give me the best advice.

 The reason why she is the best person in the world is because I always loved and care     of unconditionally, for what I want my heart having it with me a lot years more  to give  her  everything  she  needs in this life.


 My grandmother is very special person to me is loving, working with much courage and I wish to God I care and protect all life, because she is my strength, my peace and my light in darkness. By her every day I’m better person.  










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