- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Vida De Negros Y Blancos En USA

Enviado por   •  29 de Mayo de 2014  •  379 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  264 Visitas

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Is African American life in the USA really better after the Civil Rights Movement?

I want to talk about this, because the racism is something that I think is still present in USA. In this time, the discrimination should no longer exist, we all need the same things, we all disserved the same.

As we know, after king’s speech (I have a dream, 1963), many things changed in the thought of the people, they started to realize that everyone disserved the same rights, it didn’t matter if you were black or white, and the only thing that matter was that no one is more important than you.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character”. (Martin Luther King, August 28th, 1963)

According to the Gallup poll, most of the black people in the United States, believes that they have less possibilities to get a job than whites, 60% of African Americans think that whites have more possibilities to get better opportunities. As if this were not enough, only 39% of the respondents, believe that they have the same opportunities as whites. In addition, an article by Roberto Arnaz, published on August 28, 2013, shows that the situation of life for African-Americans, has not changed very much, the number of unemployed black reaches 16%, six points more than 50 years ago.

Secondly, the income gap between blacks and whites has increased over time, if the difference was of US$ 19,000 (on 1960’s), is now US$ 27,000. Discrimination against the black people still continues, just for being black, you get less money, even if you do the same job as a white person. Also, if we compare the opposite of money, the highest levels of poverty in the United States, comes from black


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