- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Co- Habitation Vs Marriage

Enviado por   •  9 de Mayo de 2013  •  457 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  290 Visitas

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1.- Why do people prefer Co- habitation instead of Marriage?

People prefer the co- habitation than marriage for the insecurity that they have with regard to the relation that they undertake so, in a great majority of pairs, predominates over the stigma of the divorce and think that if it is not convenient for them it is not necessary to do any step

2.- How the society see that?

Today there is all kinds of people, many people may say it's a sin to live in free union or other people can find it right.

In my opinion the cohabitation only demonstrates a lack of responsibility, commitment and love for your partner, as well as the lack of maturity of the person.

They think that living with a partner, lack of rights and obligations, which really do not know is that being more than five years together, contract all obligations issued by the law.

3.- Advantages of Marriage and Co- habitation

Co- habitation

• Is a previous step for the marriage, uses as experience to know the pair ,to check the compatibility and see if it will be worth it.

• Cheaper


• Married people enjoy better health, have an emotional and mental state more satisfying and are more motivated to increase their income than those living alone or cohabiting.

• The relationship guaranteed by the marriage covenant than any other, not only in the most intimate aspects (the promise of stability reduces uncertainty) but also constant support in times of difficulty or stress.

• The marriage relationship creates a public and private commitment, as well as high expectations for the couple. This produces more stability.

• When you break a marriage, the law makes provision for the children and spouse.

• Marriage helps you grow, makes you grow and become a better person.

4.- Disadvantages of Marriage and Co- habitation Why the co- habitation has been increasing nowadays?

Co- habitation

• They believe that the single life is equal to that now lives, and then they forget about existing rights and obligations over time.

• Co- habitation of parents increases the risk of school failure in children.

• Marriage is universally respected, while the co- habitation usually carries a social problem

• Have "tried" to your partner does not protect them from breaking at all

• Separation when left unprotected to the person who does not work

• Destroys what should be a real family, because the couple does not establish legally.

• Instability and lack of commitment of the couple to each other, to society, and against the children that may arise from the relationship.

• Furthermore debauchery in the relationship


• For the Church can marry only once, therefore the bond between the couple will be for life,


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