- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  23 de Julio de 2015  •  Tesina  •  256 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  198 Visitas

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Old people problems

        Old people nowadays face a lot of problems because of their age; some of them are retirement, relocation, the loss of close people, and many others. All this happens because the ability to do activities declines to some degree in every person; also they tend to have more disorders and disabilities.

Retirement is often one of the major problems people face, its effects differ from person to person depending on how they feel with it. This problem include reduce of income, entitlement and altered social roles.

Many people may move to a retirement house or to one of their family’s house, this may happen because of financial, social and other complications, they usually feel a lack of control while moving or feel confused on how the new place may be like.

Losing close persons affects many aspects of their life, social interaction and companionship decrease, they may experience a decline on their own health, depression and some of them may think on suicide as a way to stop that feeling.

To help elderly people on the retirement problem, they may go to an agency that offers plans for retirement, in the relocation problem, we can help them by touring them on their new location, or making some friends for them near their new house or apartment, when having the loss of close persons, doctors may help them in the best way.


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