- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias


Enviado por   •  1 de Agosto de 2013  •  232 Palabras (1 Páginas)  •  226 Visitas


We form a top-quality human team that always has our customers, suppliers and colleagues in mind. We offer the best products, seeking excellence to arrive at service levels that enable us to achieve integral development as individuals and as a business.

We belong to an organisation that respects individualism, constantly stimulates innovation, and the promotion and training of its members. We use informal, open, clear and participatory methods of communication. We admit our mistakes and take them as a source of information to improve our performance.

We spare no effort in the search for mechanisms that minimise the possibility of making the same mistake again. We seek agile and appropriate solutions.

We try to keep a balance between the interests of those who also form part of our activities: government, industry associations, colleagues, employees and partners, always keeping them on the highest place of ethics and professional conduct. We play our part in the economic development of the business sharing the common responsibility for improving results.

We consider that respect for the human being, performance and the quality of life are the reason for our existence, and that it is the mission and duty of each of us to act responsibly and in solidarity, so that to the best of our abilities we can help to implement these principles among those around us.

We know that satisfaction that success brings, and we are committed to attain it.


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