- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Actividad de Metacognición. My dialogue

Enviado por   •  24 de Septiembre de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  494 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  129 Visitas

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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León.

My Dialogue.

Actividad de Metacognición.



[pic 1]                                                                                                [pic 2]

My dialogue.

Ernesto. Oh no! If I have a flate tire, I’II have to change it.

Gerardo. If I do not help this man, to change his flate tire, it would cause on traffic jam. –Do you need help?

Ernesto. Yes, I do.

Gerardo. hey! Careful with the car! .– I’II  call an ambulence. –We need an ambulence now!

lesly. If they had an accident, I’II have to take him the hospital.

Raul. But his neck is hurt.

Isaac. This man was changing flat tire live and the blue car hit him.

Ivan. Yes, I saw everythingn too. Hell, a cop!.

Lesly. If the hospital is far away, I’II have to call the Extraterrestrial.

Gerardo. If Extrterrestrial take him to the hospital, I’II have to go visit a sick friend.

IVAN. But if you take an alien hospital get lost in an unknown place.

lesly. There ir not time! If we keep argoing it will be late.

Isaac. She is right, call them!


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