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Artículo 1

The challenge of the next decade towards green compounds and processes in drug design

Green chemistry is based on innovative scientific solutions to solve environmental problems that arise in the laboratory. In this review we analyze in detail each of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry developed by Paul Anastas in 1991, emphasizing the medicinal chemistry aspects that are carried out in research laboratories for the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API).

1 . Waste prevention instead of elimination of generated waste.

2 . atomic economy

3 . Less dangerous chemical synthesis

4 . Safer Chemical Design

5 . Safer solvents and other auxiliaries

6 _ Design for energy efficiency

7 . Use of renewable raw materials

Waste prevention should be the primary goal of chemists, which can be achieved by applying various strategies, including efficient use of raw materials, proper selection of reaction pathways or solvent systems, and efficient separation methods. 4 In this case, analytical methods must be chosen that involve the use of a minimum amount of materials, preventing the generation of waste and avoiding subsequent treatment or cleaning. The recent interest in the so-called green analytical chemistry has been manifested through the development of new analytical methods and methodologies that can reduce and eliminate the use and generation of substances, such as solvents, reagents, products and by-products, which are hazardous. to human health and the environment.

Thanks to this concern for the prevention of generating waste and its elimination or subsequent cleaning, several researchers such as Carola Castiello, Pierre Junghanns and Annika Mergel have been in charge of developing various support plans to implement green chemistry in laboratories, comparing their theories and experiments.

The main reason why green chemistry is hardly applied in medicinal chemistry today is the deeply held belief that greener methods stand in the way for medicinal chemists to synthesize novel compounds as quickly and easily as possible. Consequently, there is little interest in including greenness and sustainability aspects in the laboratory.

Artículo 2

Advancing the recycling of used lithium-ion batteries: from green chemistry to the circular economy

The critical supply of materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has become highly vulnerable to epidemics and geopolitical influences, highlighting the importance of independent and autonomous on-site recycling of LIBs Advanced recycling technologies must advance in the direction of complying with the principles of green chemistry

Globally, 82.6% of the e-waste stream is not officially collected, properly managed or documented [20]. The global recycling rate for spent LIBs is less than 6%. That means that most LIBs eventually enter landfills or are directly exposed to the environment [21]. Hydrometallurgy is one of the most widely adopted methods for LIB recovery. It uses redox reactions of active metals to break the bonding of the network with the help of leaching and reducing agents; valuable metals are transferred to solution, then separated, removed, and recovered using treatments such as extraction or coprecipitation

Authors’ contributions

Jinhui Li designed the framework of the paper and provided revisions; Duanmei Song analyzed the statistical data and wrote the paper; Jiadong Yu checked the quality of the research; Mengmeng Wang, Quanyin Tan, and Kang Liu assisted in data analysis.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The publication of this work has been approved by all authors. This paper has not been published/submitted or submitted to another journal.

Through a review of the literature on green recycling technologies for LIBs, this paper shows that existing recycling technologies are mainly focused on the high-value recovery of valuable metals and neglect the resourceful utilization of low-value components such as graphite, organic electrolytes, and diaphragms. Currently, the technology for recycling spent LIBs faces problems such as secondary heavy metal pollution and volatile organic pollution, lengthy and costly disposal processes

Artículo 3

Ceramics and glass

This article talks about the materials that are used when making glass and other ceramics, some of these materials are and can be waste which are used as raw material for a specific object, the raw material is very important in manufacturing to make elaborate or semi-elaborated products thanks to this some of these products can be ceramics and glass.

The raw material required to make the product is taken (this must already be ground), a homogeneous mixture must be made so that the fusion can take a process from solid to liquid, this liquid must be clear, in the course in which this liquid is cooled it must be with a certain viscosity, after this the material begins to be molded to the desired shape.

Glass and ceramics.

Most of the "waste" becomes raw material for companies, these give it a specific purpose to be able to make a product of high demand in the industry

Artículo 4

Green chemistry: a new approach to caring for the environment

Green chemistry is directly related to the environment and development in nature, this supplies us with sources of energy, food and chemicals, which help us to expand and grow society and population without the need to be destroying or damaging our planet, new tools are created for technological and social advancement.

In the industry new strategies are being created to help the environment and that its decline is not very noticeable globally, the care of the environment has to be something of everyone and not only of the industries since it is our vital source of life at a global level.

In the environment it seeks to prevent and avoid polluting waste, it must be taken into account to start reusing all usable waste as the industry seeks to try to improve its products and quality so that its waste is not toxic and thus give a longer life time. It must begin to take care of both water and energy and land to benefit agriculture and economy so that in the future Colombian companies generate biodegradable products and not affect the environment, as well as begin to create methodologies and analysis to minimize chemical risks that affect the environment

for the environment and taking advantage of the raw material

In the environment it seeks to reduce and prevent damage to the environment, seek that waste becomes a usable raw material for society and that equally benefits the industry, globally citizens must start recycling to separate waste that is usable and those that are not usable


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