Air Pollution Control. Incineration Plant
Enviado por pin2000 • 19 de Diciembre de 2011 • 6.666 Palabras (27 Páginas) • 762 Visitas
Incineration Plant
Air pollution control
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................3
2. DESCRIPTION OF MARESME INCINERATION PLANT .....................................................4
a. Description of typical pollutants in Maresme incineration plant ........................................................... 4
b. Description of typical control equipment in Maresme incineration plant ............................................... 5
c. Estimation of pollution control costs ..................................................................................................... 8
3. DESCRIPTION OF CURRENT SITUATION IN SPAIN..........................................................9
a. Description of typical pollutants in Spain ............................................................................................. 9
b. Description of typical control equipments used in Spain ..................................................................... 12
c. Description of the local laws in Spain ................................................................................................. 17
4. DESCRIPTION OF THE BAT OF INCINERATION PLANT IN SPAIN ................................ 24
a. Choose new large plant and look how it should be built ...................................................................... 24
b. Description of emission control requirements ..................................................................................... 26
c. Estimation of pollution control costs ................................................................................................... 27
5. CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................... 28
6. REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 30
The atmosphere is essential for the life, so its disorves have high impact in all the planet.
In the last decades there has been many emissions from the humans, industries, natural phenomenal so, it has been necessary establish some measures controlled by the legislation, in order to reduce the negative effects that polluted atmosphere would cause in flora, fauna and human life, in adition it can exist changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, wich can change the climate and causes the acid rain or the destruction of the ozone.
Nowdays the Goverments are making special mention in the global warming. Is belived that the Global warming is the result of an ehanced greenhouse effect, mostly due to human produced increase in atmosphere greenhouse gases. The mainly gases involved are water vapor, carbon dioxide and methane, which are present in the atmosphere naturally, but the increase of the concentration of these gases and the presence and increase of the concentration of others compounds as nitrogen oxides, sulphur oxides from human activities are caused the acceleration of this effect.
Generally a lot of air pollutants exist, the most common are particles, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hidrocarbures, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, halogenated compounds, lead, ozone and organochlorines.
In this project will be analysed the Maresme incineration plant wich is placed in Barcelona, Spain. The analysed factors are: the typical pollutants, the typical control equipments and the estimation of the pollution control cost for that industry. Also the typical air pollutants of Spain, the typical control equipment used for that country and the local laws will be studied.
On the other hand, the Best Available Techniques (BAT), wich means any combination of work practices, raw material, specification, through put limitations, source design, characteristics and evaluation of the analyzed cost per ton of air pollution removed and air pollution control devices that have been previously demostrated to the director of enviromental detection to operate satisfactory in this satate or other states with similar air quality on substancially similar air pollution source, will be studied.
a. Description of typical pollutants in Maresme incineration plant
Waste incineration results in solids and gaseous waste. This project focuses on gas waste. Gaseous waste is gases resulting from combustion process that once emitted to the atmosphere are adequately purged. The basic composition of gases resulting from combustion is N2, H2O and CO2. Considering, also, the presence of small quantities of pollutants which have different degrees above environmental impact such as particulates, HCl, CO, organic compounds, HF, SO2, NOx, heavy metals (lead, chromium, copper, manganese, nickel, arsenium, cadmium and mercury), dioxins and furans. /1/
Carbon dioxide CO2: is a colorless, dense, and unreactive gas. Part of the composition of the troposphere (the atmospheric layer closest to Earth). /2/ It is also the main greenhouse gas. It arises from the combustion of coal, oil and natural gas.
Particulate matter: This category includes all types of suspended solids as smoke, dust and vapors. It reduces visibility and ground cover, Furthermore, inhalation of these microscopic particles that lodge in the lung tissue, causes various respiratory illnesses./2/
The particles in the atmosphere come from diverse backgrounds, combustion of diesel in trucks and buses, fossil fuels, mixing and application of fertilizers and agrochemicals, road construction, steel making, mining activity and incineration of rubbish.
Chlorhydric acid (HCl): Is very corrosive and acid. At room temperature, hydrogen chloride gas is a slightly yellow, corrosive, flammable, and heavier than air and highly irritating odor. When exposed to air it emits corrosive and dense vapors. Hydrogen chloride is usually formed during the burning of many plastics. In contact with water, forms hydrochloric acid. Both hydrogen chloride and hydrochloric acid are corrosive./3/
Carbon monoxide (CO): also called carbonic oxide, is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas, which is highly toxic due to when is inhaled, the molecules go into bloodstream and they inhibit oxygen distribution. This condition is known as anoxemia. /3/
Carbon monoxide is produced from the partial oxidation of carbon-containing compounds as gasoline and oil. It forms when there is not enough oxygen to produce carbon dioxide. 61% of CO emissions come from metal industry and metal ore roasting.
Total organic carbon (TOC): is the amount of