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Are Computers Replacing Books?

Enviado por   •  12 de Mayo de 2014  •  328 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  185 Visitas

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Are computers replacing books?

Currently we are victims about technological changes. our life turns around using smartphones, computers, or others electronic devices.

So we use those tools to make our lives easier but... We are replacing many activities or stuffs to get technological devices. So is good that all the people use them?

We should remember how our education was in kinder garden or elementary school, I know there weren't many technological resources that replacing the books, and we were able to develop our abilities and creativity because there weren't many electronic devices that make all of things for us.

The New York Times published an article about the children's workers of Silicon Valley (in that place there are some companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft) that article said that they want that their children be educated as they were, because the need to develop their abilities and creativity, they want that their sons learn to write, read, and resolve the elementary mathematical operations without technology and using the books.

We have to recognize that sometimes we don't be able to buy the books because are expensive, or may be don't exist in our city so in this case we can access to the information easily using the technology and download in our computers, but nothing is compared with the experience of read, imagine or learn using the books. So the excessive use of the computers can be dangerous for our health.

However we couldn't use the technology without others services like electricity but if we want to get many books we can affect the environment,

In my conclusion I think we can use both without forget that the humans mainly have to develop their brain to be able to create and think like the example of children, so we should to increase the use of the books because there are replacing by the computers.

Phrase from Mario Vargas Llosa that say: As more intelligent is our computer, we will be more dummy


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