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Computer Effects

Enviado por   •  22 de Noviembre de 2014  •  1.047 Palabras (5 Páginas)  •  541 Visitas

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The Effects of Computers on Our Everyday Lives.

What are computers to the world? There is a big influence of technique on people’s daily life. Electronic devices, multimedia and computers are things that everybody has to deal with everyday. According to Shanweshe (2012, august) ‘’as we are living in a digital world, we need to have the most important equipment of the technology, which is the computer’’. Today, everything related to people’s everyday life can be done using computers; therefore computers have become a popular device and at the same time a necessity for the entire world. since the existence of computers on people lives (regarding to society and education) they have been giving to people the opportunity to learn more, helps them to save time and money, and provide them interactive content.

First for all Computers play a great role in the education, therefore one of the most important uses that society gives to computers is to look for information especially on Internet which According to Markus Temmel, Martina Theuermann, Eva Ukowitz, Tanja Vogrin (2014) ‘’is becoming more and more important for nearly everybody as it is one of the newest and most forward-looking media and surely “the” medium of the future.’’ For instance people get informed when they go to a website, surf the net and get the instant and latest news. It’s really convenient. As well, in the internet a lot of information is renewed and up to date so people can also find information which is very new and a book that does not exist yet. Besides you can learn with the internet because there are a lot of courses where you can join. furthermore According to the study published by Martin Hilbert in Science (Hilbert and López 2011), 95 percent of all information existing in the planet is digitized and most of it is accessible on the Internet and other computer networks, as a result people have the opportunity to be informed about whatever they would like to know, to be learned and hence there are more enlightened people all around the world.

Secondly, people have the great help of computers to save time and money because According to Weyers, Brent (2013, April 3) ’’the computer is an intelligent device that can solve many tasks for humans and can also deal with many important things that make people’s life easier.’’ It can finish any difficult task or work people have to do, like for example When people need to solve a complex math problem, they use the computer to resolve it, or when people need to write down something, they type the words in the computer and that is it. Consequently people describe the computer as an essential device that It’s more quickly, more convenient and that helps them to save time. Additionally his online reference books and dictionaries replace the way to the bookshop or to the library making people save time. Moreover the use of computers is much cheaper than the real life, for example phoning a friend in Europe costs more than to chat with him on a computer, furthermore It is cheaper to search for information in the internet than to buy a book, besides, the people can read the daily newspapers from all over the world, sometimes for free so they do not have to buy them anymore and In addition, most newspaper sites have an archive in which everybody


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