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Cual es la Tecnologia y humanidad epoca moderna steve jobs

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     Teacher: Licenciada Mayra Guadalupe Jácome Ruiz

     Class: Ingles I                    

     Theme: Technology and Humanity Modern Perspective Steve Jobs

     Group #: 4

     Members: Anuar Sánchez (200761020087)                   Luis Rodríguez (200810230039)

                      Cintya Guerra (201710030124)                     Magally Giron (201320040067)

                      Fernando Fuentes (201520040052)               Randy Lizardo (201510010186)

                      Joselyne Vallecillo (201610050042)             Ricardo Cano (201720010166)




“Technology is nothing. What´s important is that you have a faith in people, that they´re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they´ll do wonderful things with them.” STEVE JOBS

Technology and Humanity from Modern Perspective

Steve Jobs

     Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.

Humanity the quality of being humane.

Know that we know the terms, what can we said about their relationship in our modern era?

Technology is undoubtedly a tool that helps man to make more practical and easy your work. Technology influences the social and economic development of a society; its main objective is the satisfaction of needs oriented to consumer desires. Most of society uses technology in a "bad" way, so to speak, since it is misused instead of taking advantage of the opportunities provided by this technology. The technology made people gain more control over nature and build a civilized existence. Thanks to this, they increased the production of material goods and

services and reduced the amount of work needed to make a large number of things. In the advanced industrial world, machines do most of the work in agriculture and in many industries, and workers produce more goods than a century ago with less work hours. A good part of the population of the industrialized countries has a better standard of living (better food, clothing, shelter and a variety of devices for the domestic use and leisure). At present, many people live more and in a healthier way as the result. Technology has been related and has always been present in the life of man, to facilitate the understanding of that premise we will say that it is necessary to detach ourselves from what we now understand by technology, that is, the primitive tools used by nomads many years ago they were the technology that they had created, those were the results of the knowledge that they were able to acquire on that matter and day by day they achieved their domination and perfection.

For Steve Jobs, Apple was a cult brand that redefined aspects of modern life such as the relationship of people with computers, phones and how to listen to music, from the devices that the company designed and manufactured. The multinational began in a garage in Cupertino, California, where the first Macintosh computer was born, a tool whose goal was to bring information technology within the reach of humanity. But Jobs was not alone in this task, since he had the help of Steve Wozniak, who always supported him in his revolutionary designs and capricious behaviors. Then, Jobs looked for ways to add portability to music, so he presented the iPod in 2001, a gadget that together with iTunes plays a fundamental role in the transition from the music market to the digital world. Later he launched the iPhone, a smartphone that made cell phones an indispensable tool for the general public, and later gave way to the iPad with which he revolutionized, once again, the electronic market, allowing people to take their presentations and documents in a device capable of performing tasks similar to those of a portable computer. None of their products were purely Apple inventions, since by then the cell phones, music players (Walkman) and computers already existed. However, the company of Jobs contributed with a new aesthetic in the products, advanced functions for the development of tasks and built a community that became a group of true followers of the products developed by the company of the bitten apple. Steve Jobs "knew how to combine the creative, technological and human aspects. He knew how to humanize technology, which becomes intelligent when it is intuitive, easy and attractive and not the other way around, when you have to learn, "says Joan Vinyets, founder of innovation consultancy Piece of Pie. "We relate to the technological objects of Apple, designed under the baton of Jobs, in a similar way as we do with physical objects, for example, to turn a page into an iPad is very similar in a book," explains Francesc Aragall, president of Design for All. Jobs contribution was extraordinary, because it focused on the usability of the devices. The designs of Apple, from the first computer, were unique, simple, beautiful and easy to use, which is all a merit because they were technologically complex.


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