- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Desventages of social networks

Enviado por   •  23 de Septiembre de 2018  •  Ensayo  •  434 Palabras (2 Páginas)  •  134 Visitas

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Student: Alejandro Tutalcha G.                                                 3-11

3 aspects negatives of using social networking.

The society is nail in the world technology as Social Media. The social Media has damage to the capacity of concentration so too affects the personal relationships on the children and adults. Some of them are: addiction, personal relationships and cyberbullying and social per pressure.

The social Media is addictive depending on the type of person. Walton (2017) points out that “We have known for some time that people who are over-dependent on digital devices report feelings of anxiety when they are stopped from using them”. In the review study made in Trent University concluded that         Social Networking induce addiction critical, abandonment of personal life, mental preoccupation and escapism.

Social networking can also ruin relationships as people may get jealous if they find out their boyfriend or girlfriend is exchanging messages with other people. Friedman (2011) points out that the major drawback is that people may start to lose physical communication and interaction in the real world. For example, two teenagers become best friends on chat and colleagues of games on line but they do not meet in the real world.

Cyberbullying is a problem, bully make his damage behind a screen. Moreau (2018) claims that for people struggling to fit in with their peers – especially teens and young adults – the pressure to do certain things or act a certain way can be even worse on social media than it is at school or any other offline setting. In some extreme cases, the exhausting pressure to adjust with everyone pasting on social networking or becoming the target of a cyberbullying attack can lead to severe stress, anxiety and even depression

To conclude, the negative impact of social Media is a topic that some people and the authors cited think as among some disadvantages of the technological world. Social networking has harm to the capacity of focus in people of any age. It also affects the personal relationships and the worst cases produced addiction and cyberbullying and social peer pressure. I invite to every reader specially children and teenagers to make the suitable use of technological tools. Take advantage but do not abuse these and value the moments shared with family and friends.


  1.  https//

  1.  networks.php



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