Enviado por Myriamsita • 7 de Mayo de 2015 • 5.365 Palabras (22 Páginas) • 158 Visitas
Passive voice is most commonly used in written English: newspapers, books, scientific publications.
Las construcciones impersonales (se dice, se sabe, etc.), se forma con la estructura
It is reported (Se informa),
It is said (Se dice),
It is known (Se sabe, se conoce),
It is supposed (Se supone),
It is considered (Se considera),
It is expected (Se espera).
Las formas pasivas de un verbo se hacen combinando tiempos del verbo auxilia
r "to be" seguido del participio de pasado (=pp) del verbo. AM, ARE, IS.
Presente am, are, is Pp English is spoken
To be,Simple Chinese New Year is celebrated on January First
Pizzas are made from tomato sauce and asadero cheese
Continuo (am/are/is)being Pp Pesos are being used in Mexico
Perfecto (have/has)been Pp Your E-mail has been sometimes sent.
Many sandwiches are eaten every morning.
English is spoken by many Latin Americans these days
Much practice isn’t needed to be able speak English well
Three languages aren’t spoken in Switzerland
Many Nissan cars aren’t made in Aguascalientes
Is accounting taught in high school?
Is the English book read?
Are most students in class every day?
Is this soda drunk with sugar?
How often are the classrooms cleaned?
Where are most Mexican cars made?
How often is president elected in Mexico?
Many plans are made.
Many books are written every year.
All the question are answered in English.
The lesson is translated into Spanish.
Those things are done in the kitchen.
The work is finished by noon.
Ten lions are captured every month.
That window is closed every evening.
Many houses are built of stone.
The news is known by everyone.
The presents are hidden from the children.
Spanish is spoken in Mexico.
Those children are dressed in white and blue.
The radio is fixed every week.
All the sentences are dictated in Spanish.
All the sentences are corrected in class.
The money is kept in that box.
Your friend is invited me.
The pants are hung in the closet.
The glass is filled with water.
Games are played every Sunday.
Rewrite the next statements in English
1 Se sabe que la maestra Fabiola fue la maestra de algebra en primer semestre. Fabiola knows that teacher was the master algebra in first half.
2 Se sabe que maestros de alta calidad han estado trabajando en el CETis 155. It is known that high quality teachers have been working in the CETis 155
3 Se dice que las vacaciones de Semana Santa empezarán en abril 2015. It is said that the Easter holidays begin in April 2015
4…Esto está siendo conocido por mi cuerpo cuando te veo. This is being met through my body when I see
5 Este tema está siendo entendido por la clase, y es parte del problema. This issue is being understood by the class, and is part of the problem.
6 El día de las madres se ha estado celebrando todos el 10 de Mayo cada año. Mothers Day has been celebrated every May 10 each year
7...El mole ha sido hecho por mi abuelita cada año. The mole has been made by my grandmother every year
8. Bachillerato Tecnológico ha sido seleccionado por mí desde la secundaria. Bachelor of Technology has been selected by me since high school.
9…Esto está siendo escrito por el mejor alumno del CETis, Yo. This is being written by the best student of CETis, I.
10 Se dice que el amor esta entre Tú y Yo. It is said that love is between You and Me.
11. Los tamales se comieron el pasado 2 de febrero. Ate tamales last February 2nd.
12. Yo he estado esperando estas clases de inglés desde primer semester. I have been waiting these English classes from first half
13. Me ha estado viendo un chico/chica de 6to semestre. I have been seeing a guy / girl 6th semester.
14. La escuela está siendo vigilada por cámaras. The school is being watched by cameras.
15. Se dice que estaremos puntuales en clases de inglés 4. It is said that we will be punctual in English classes 4
14. Se ha estado pasando lista todas las clases. It has been going list all classes.
15. Se pierde el derecho a extraordinario por 6 faltas. The right to extraordinary is lost by 6 fouls
Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.
Someone is with my friend. Alguien está con mi amigo.
Everyone takes him by the hand Todo el mundo lo toma de la mano.
They tell us exactly where to sit. Ellos nos dicen exactamente dónde sentarse.
1. He is opening the wooden door. Se está abriendo la puerta de madera.
2. We are setting the table. Estamos estableciendo la tabla.
3. She pays a lot of money cutting trees Ella paga un montón de dinero cortando árboles.
4. I have cared the forest since 2004. He cuidado del bosque desde 2004.
5. They has been all the morning out the school. Se ha estado toda la mañana a la escuela.
6. They don’t help you taking care of the plants. Ellos no le ayudan a cuidar de las plantas.
7. He doesn’t open the book. Él no se abre el libro.
8. You do not write the letter. Usted no escribe la letra.
9. Does your mom pick you up? ¿Tu mamá lo esta recogiendo?
10. Does the police officer catch the thief?¿La policía atrapara al ladrón?
Example: A new hat is being bought by her
(Passive Voice in Present Progressive/ continuous)
The room is being cleaned by Matt.
The notes are being written for the students in each class.
The mole is being made for my mother each birthday
The song is being written by Ozzy Osbourne
The checks are being spent in the banks for the mornings every day
The lottery is being won to 3 months by mexicans
The corposes are being found in acapulco
My purse is being stolen in the park
My jacket is being used by my sister
My new red panty is being used by my sister
The computer is being used by Paola every English class.