- Ensayos de Calidad, Tareas y Monografias

Ingles ejercicios fonetica.

Enviado por   •  16 de Octubre de 2016  •  Apuntes  •  3.246 Palabras (13 Páginas)  •  311 Visitas

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  1. Minimal pairs:

  • V/F:
  • van/fan // vine/fine // view/few // very/ferry // oval/offal
  • Asher / azure // dilution / delusion // Confucian / confusion
  • Lagged/lacked // halved/laughed // nabbed/napped
  • Gin/chin // jug/chug // Jane/chain // June/tune // lunge/lunch // Jill/chill // Jew/chew // Jews' Day/Tuesday // hedge/fetch // danger/'doncha' = 'don't you'*
  • S / Z:
  • sip zip // sink zinc // sap zap
  • ice eyes // bus buzz // rice rise
  • fussy fuzzy // lacy lazy // prices prizes
  1. Isolated words
  • ʒ:  conclusion - confusion - decision - division - occasion - provision - television - vision - usual - visual - usually - exposure - measure - pleasure - beige - collage - massage - mirage - rouge - sabotage - collision - exclusion - explosion - fusion - illusion - inclusion - invasion - lesion - persuasion - precision - revision - disclosure - enclosure – leisure
  •  ʃ: cash - crash - dish - establish - fashion - finish - fish - flash - fresh - push - relationship - shake - shall - shape - share - she - shift - shine - ship - shock - shoe - shoot - shop - short - should - shoulder - show - wash - wish - sugar - sure - machine - anxious - ocean - patience - initial - partial - potential - education – tradition
  • dʒ: January - jam - Jamaica - James - Jane - Japan - jeans - job - John - join - joke - journey - July - jump - judge - June - just - gentleman - gender - gene - general - generate - generation - genetic - Germany - George - Georgia - gesture - giant - gym - enjoy - injure - major - majority - object - project - reject - subject - advantage - age - average - change - charge - college - huge - image - language - large - manage - orange - page - range - stage - badge - edge - fridge - judge – knowledge
  • tʃ: chair - challenge - champion - change - charge - chat - cheat - check - cheese - chess - child - China - choice - choose - each - much - reach - research - rich - such - teach - which - adventure - culture - feature - fortunate - furniture - future - picture - natural – situation
  • /j/: yard - year - yellow - yes - yesterday - yet - yield - York - you - young - your - youth - argue - continue - value - cure - pure - interview - review - view –
  • /ŋ/ bang - gang - hang - hanger - hanging - rang - sang - slang - bring - evening - king - morning - ring - sing - singer - spring - sting - string - swing - thing - wing – wring
  • /w/: wait - wake - waste - way - wave walk - wall - Walter - war - warm - warn  we - wear - week - well - wife - will - win - wish - with - woman - wonder - word - work - world - worry - would Swede - Sweden - sweet - swim - swing - Swiss - Switzerland - switch - tweet - twice – Twitter
  • /h/  half - hand - happen - Harold - hard - hat - have - Hawaii - he - head - hear - heat - help - Henry - here - high - history - hit - home - hold - hot - house - how - human - Hungary – hut
  • /v/ valley - value - van - variable - vary - vast - vegetable - vehicle - verb - version - very - veteran - victim - victory - view - village - virus - vision - visit - voice - vote - above - arrive - believe - drive - expensive - give - have - improve - live - love - move - observe - positive - prove - receive - remove - save - solve - survive - wave - activity - available - cover - develop - even - ever - evidence - government - however - individual - investment - level - never - over - service - provide - travel
  • /f/  face - fact - fail - fall - family - far - feel - few - fight - find - first - follow - for - forget - form - friend - from - cough - enough - laugh - rough - tough - atmosphere - phase - philosophy - phonetics - photograph - phrase - physical - physics - telephone - sulphur
  • /θ/ thanks - theatre - theme - thin - thing - think - thirteen - thirty - thorough - thought - thousand - threat - threw - through - throw - thumb - Thursday - bath - both - death - earth - growth - health - month - mouth - north - path - south - teeth - tooth - truth – worth
  • /ð/ than - that - the - their - them - then - there - these - they - this - those - though - thus - although - another - either - neither - other - rather - together - whether - within - without - bother - brother - clothing - father - farther - feather - further - gather - heather - leather - mother - Netherlands - northern - rhythm - southern /ˈsʌðərn/ - weather

Vocalic sounds

  • /ɪ/ carriage - marriage - benefit - finish - important - include - liquid - music - office - practice - president - public - service - visit - without - demand - emotion - report - become - begin - lettuce – bitch

  • /iː/ gasoline - machine - magazine - police - routine - sardine - technique - vaccine - beach - beat - bleach - breathe - cheat - cream - creature - deal - dream - each - easy - eat - feature - heat - increase - jeans - leader - leave - meal - mean - meat - pea - peach - peak - please - reach - read - repeat - reason - reveal - scream - sea - seal - seat - steal - steam - stream - teach - team - weak - athlete - compete - complete - concrete - extreme - gene - scene - scheme - theme - these - Venus
  • /iː/ & /ɪ/ evening - minute - believe - belief - receipt – receive
  • /ɜː/ certain - concern - determine - nerve - perfect - person - service - term - verb - were - early - earn - earth - heard - learn - search - burn - hurt - murder - return - surface - Thursday - turn - urban - bird - birthday - circle - dirty - firm - girl - shirt - sir - skirt  - third - thirsty - thirty - word - work - world - worse - worst - worth -  journalist - journey - certify - herb - Mercury - merge - thermal – pearl
  • /e/ accept - bell - bend - best - bet - correct - desk - egg - ahead - already - bread - breakfast - breast - breath - treasure - wealth - weapon - weather – many
  • /ɔː/ abroad – broad - thought - bought - brought - fought - sought - thought - water - almost - already - alter - always - false - salt - talk - walk -  ball - call - fall - hall - mall - small - wall -  dawn - hawk - jaw - law - saw - shawl - thaw - yawn - August - author - autumn - cause - clause - daughter - fault - launch - afford - born - cork - door - floor - fork - horse - lord - more - nor - or - pork - score - short - store - storm - story – sword
  • /ɒ/  across* - along* - body - box - cost* - follow - gone* - got - holiday - hot - job - long* - lot - model - off* - offer* - possible - probably - problem - product - song* - stop - strong* - wrong* -qualify - quality - quantity - wad - wallet - wander - want - wash - wasp - watch – what - Aussie* - austerity* - Australia* - Austria* - because*
  • // blew - brew - chew - crew - drew - screw - threw - approve - improve - lose - move - movie - prove - remove - shoe - tomb - whose - womb - do - two - who - boot - Cameroon - choose - cool - food - fool - Liverpool - loose - moon - pool - root - school - shampoo - shoot - soon - stool - tool - tooth - troop - zoo blue - glue - sue - true - group - soup - through - you – youth
  • /ʊ/ book - cook - foot - good - hood - hook - look - shook - stood - took - wood - wool - wolf - woman - could - would - should - bull - bullet - bully - bush - cushion - full - pudding - pull - push - put – sugar
  • ɑː advance - after - answer - ask - banana - basket - bath - branch - can't - castle - chance - class - contrast - dance - demand - disaster - example - fast - glass - grant - grass - half - last - plant - rather - staff - task - apart - are /ər, ɑːr/ - aren't - argue /ˈɑːrɡjuː/ - argument - arm - army - art - article - bar - car - card - charge - chart - dark - department - far - farm - garden - guard /ɡɑːrd/ - hard - harm - large - mark - market - park - part - partner - party - regard - remark - sharp - smart - star - start - target /ˈtɑːrɡɪt/ - yard - tomato - father 
  • /æ/ act - add - and - ankle - back - bad - band - bank - bat - black - can - fact - family - flat - hand - happen - happy - land - man - match - matter - plan - sad - stand - thank - travel - understand - value - tax - track
  • Heteronyms        
  • patent
  • /ˈpætənt/: right to make an invention
  • /ˈpeɪtənt/: obvious, evident
  • /ʌ/ country - couple - cousin - double - southern - touch - trouble - young - worry  above - Coventry - cover - discover - dove - glove - government - love - lover - oven - shovel - slovenly- son - sponge - ton - tongue - tonne - won - wonder - wonderful - another - confrontation - done - front - honey - London - none - nothing – one –once - onion - among - Monday - money - mongrel - monk - monkey - month - bun - bus - but - butter - cut - fun - gun - luck - lunch - run - summer - sun - Sunday - thunder - truck - tunnel - under - up – us
  • /ə/ about - admire - again - alone - along - among - appeal - appear - arise - around - away - centre - fibre - litre - metre – theatre - December - member - November - number - computer - character – daughter - focus - status - Uranus - Venus - versus - virus - anxious - continuous - curious - dangerous - enormous - famous - nervous - numerous - obvious - previous - religious - serious - various


Sister Susie's sewing shirts for soldiers.

The mink mixed a medicinal mixture.

Spanish school is on Smiths Street.

Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely.

Freddy thrush flies through thick fog.

A noisy noise annoys an oyster.

Twelve twins twirled twelve twigs.

I can catch cats, cats can't catch me.

They're thirsty every Thursday.

Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently.

Check the children's shirts and shorts.


"This is the way"
This is the way
I wash my hands,
wash my hands,
wash my hands.

This is the way
I wash my hands
early in the morning.

This is the way
I wash my face,
wash my face,
wash my face.

This is the way
I wash my face
early in the morning.


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