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Green Energy

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What is a green house and why is important?

Around the world consciousness for the world is becoming ever more strongly by the great events that have happened and that we were given to understand that this world does not have much time if we continue to abuse of this as we have done so far.

In this work we will be to speak about of what is a green house and how it works also how is relate this whit our think; and, we have how future engineers, be the most committed possible with our planet and know that is a limited source of resources and with our projects can reduce the impacts in the environment.

During this work will develop this question and give you a basis for you to have your own conclusions.


1. give an explanation of which is a green house

2. know the ways we can save water

3. know the ways we can save energy

4. show that green houses are the best option for us and for the planet

5. create a green conscience


Since 2000, been becoming more popular to a culture which takes more and more strength, this is the green culture. A Green house is a topic that is growing in this culture for the need to change the common form of live of people which contaminates everything without measuring consequences and the irreversible damage that do to the planet.

It´s our work together all the areas of engineering and creates a home that meets all the needs that demand the planet which with increasingly natural disasters is obviously bad, and this is the green house.

Below will discuss everything that is related whit this, since what is? Until the thought that integrates.

What is a green house?

A Green house is this that in your infrastructure was designed to save energy, water and other resources that in your process how were obtained, have a mark in the planet (the principal idea is reduce this in the most possible). Also that the materials are used for their construction are sustainable for our planet.

But the most important of all is to combine all this construction with a green conscience that integrates our transportation and other factors that pollute our planet daily as garbage handling.

Garbage handling

Almost 80% of what we call trash in our house could be reused so if we learn more about how these would separate our waste reused and with this we could give a great help with the mark we leave on the planet. This really is very simple just enough to separate the organic waste, inorganic, health and special handling, so the real trash (which is useless) will be much lower.

Green materials

Green materials are called so because they are environmentally friendly as they can be reused or degraded, these are divided into 4 branches: biomaterials, composites, smart materials, and nanomaterials.

Biomaterials: are the materials that can be natural for example the wood or synthesized organic compounds but with materials that exist in the nature

Composites: are results of combining some elements to create a new material completely different

Smart materials: are materials that in your design is intelligent

Nanomaterials: are studied for that its shape may be the least volumetric

How to save energy?

First one of the process that can be improved is how is obtained energy, we can put solar panels for that in the sun days we will can use this instead of common energy (which is more dirty) for the needs of the home; other form of obtain energy ¨clean¨ (in quotes because all the forms of obtain energy have marks in the planet) is by wind with windmills that convert the energy of the wind in electric energy that is we use.

One form of reduce the spending of energy is that its infrastructure is designed for save light this may be with windows through which enters the light day doing not need to spend on this in the hours of the day other way is that this is cool for this look as is the circulation of the wind in the place and with this may save much energy of heating/cooling systems that is more of the 45% of the total energy consumption.

How to save water

Other thing that can save is the water, we wasted many water when we take a shower or while wash the dishes, and this same water along with the rainwater can be used for wet the flowers, for clothes washing in first cycle, for clean the car or for empty the toilet; and with this save until 50% in the water.

Grow houses

Doing some crops besides home can save money from the food we sow also serves to recycle organic waste from our house being these the fertilizer plant.

These can be planted on the roof also help control the temperature of the house, for this is recommended that they are species of the region for that they are in perfect climate.

This system is very efficient because besides all the above features, it has discovered that these crops when they are on the roofs of cities help reduce another major contaminant of these which is the noise

Cost of a green house

As we all know the cost of a green house in the process of construction is greater that of a common house


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