Ing Civil
Enviado por oskrpenaranda • 12 de Mayo de 2013 • 425 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 235 Visitas
Benefits of Civil Engineering at the population
Civil engineering one of the most established races today. Not only is it different structures design, construction and maintenance. A civil engineer is also involved with the maintenance of the natural and built environment infrastructure projects such as dams, roads, canals, dams, and buildings. The discipline is perhaps the most natural of all engineering domains. Since ancient times, man has pondered the questions that allow a nation to build reliable, functional and historic structures. From the Pyramids of Gaza to the great Greek temples, civil engineers played a major role in the development and identity of civilizations. Therefore, it is the oldest engineering discipline next to military engineering.
Civil engineering is the branch of applied knowledge of physics, chemistry and geology to the development of infrastructure, especially buildings, waterworks and transportation in general and large public use. But not only this, is the engineering of civilization, a term that encompasses much more than infrastructure.
It also has a strong organizational component that manages application in urban environmental management mainly rural and often, not only in terms of construction, but also the maintenance, control and operation of the buildings, as well as in planning life in the environment designed from the same. This includes territorial organization plans such as disaster prevention, traffic control and transportation, water resource management, utilities, waste handling and all activities that ensure the welfare of humanity that life develops on civil works constructed and operated by engineers.
Para nadie es una secreto que la ingeniería civil aporta mucho a la necesidad y el desarrollo de una sociedad ya que los humanos en busca de un cambio empezaron a ingeniarse artículos para su vida cotidiana, usando algunos principios de la ingeniería para satisfacer sus necesidades como conseguir sus alimentos, pieles, construir casas carretas edificios puentes estadios vías peatonales parqueaderos y otras obras relacionadas con ingeniería civil. Todo para lograr cambios y comodidades, que ayudaran con su desarrollo.
La calidad de vida con que podemos contar en los días de hoy es fruto del desarrollo tecnológico incorporado a los bienes y servicios ahora disponibles, y en el cual el ingeniero tiene un papel fundamental. Es él quien transforma el conocimiento desarrollado en los laboratorios en productos que van a mejorar la vida de las personas. Es él el elemento principal de la revolución El compromiso de la ingeniería es con el ser humano y con la sociedad.
En pocas palabras la ingeniería civil en conjunto con las otras ingenierías ayuda al progreso al crecimiento y desarrollo de la sociedad.