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Aguascalientes II




Alumna: Jacqueline Ramos Palos

Asistente Directivo


Thursday April 6 th 2017.


Employer responsibilities

Decree Law 1295 of 1994 Article 21

The payment of the total contribution of the workers to his service;

Transfer the amount of contributions to the corresponding labor risk management entity, within the deadlines established for this purpose by the regulation;

Seek comprehensive medical care for workers and work environments.

Schedule, execute and monitor compliance with the company's occupational health program, and seek funding.

Notify the affiliated management entity, occupational accidents and occupational diseases.

To facilitate the spaces and schedules of training of the workers in charge of the occupational health and to advance in the programs of promotion and prevention on the part of the Administrators of Labor Risks. (Modified Law 1562 of 2012 Article 26).

Inform the labor risk management entity to which it is affiliated, the labor notice of its workers.

Rights contained in the LCT.

In the general regulations, the word "rights" and "faculties" are spoken indistinctly for the better organization of the company.

We can classify them as follows:

· The right to demand the behavior of workers in good faith.

· Faculty of organization.

· Faculty of Administration.

· Faculty of modification of the forms and modalities of the work (ius variandi).

· Disciplinary faculty.

· Right to establish personal controls.

· Right to receive the work.

· Right to retain the worker's contributions to the Social Security system and to the unions.

· Right to differentially reward staff.

· Right to demand secrecy from the worker.

· Right to compensation.

· The right to request assistance or extraordinary assistance from the worker.

Rights contained in Law 12.981.

The rights of the employer, under the system of law 12.981, must be interpreted as reciprocity to the obligations of the worker contained in art. 4, of the law.

Therefore, they will have the right to demand respect for the worker, to enforce the work orders, to receive the task done with diligence and honesty, to be informed and to indemnify the things in the custody of that one.

Rights contained in collective bargaining.

Only the "... personally checks the housing status", which must be exercised without abuse and prior notification to the worker.

The uniform is intended for employees

They go to their work in accordance with the activities they carry out for safety purposes,

Presentation and corporate image, so its use will be mandatory for all staff. Every employer should keep a holiday record in which the

Income of each worker, date in which takes their vacations, and in which they finish the same.

The employer and the worker must freely agree on the salary in their various

Modalities as per unit of time, by work, or by piece and by task, etc., but always

Respecting the minimum legal wage or that fixed in the pacts, collective agreements and ruling

Arbitral awards. They must make available to the workers, unless stipulated otherwise, the inputs and technologies appropriate to the performance of the work.

They should seek appropriate local workers and adequate protection against occupational accidents and diseases in a manner that will reasonably guarantee safety and health.

They must immediately render first aid in case of accidents or illness. For this purpose, the establishment will maintain what is necessary according to regulation of the sanitary authorities.

They should pay the agreed remuneration under the agreed conditions, periods and places.

They must keep absolute respect for the personal dignity of the worker, his beliefs and feelings.

 They must grant the worker the necessary licenses for the purposes and in the terms indicated in article 30 of these Regulations.

They should give the worker, at the expiration of the contract, a certificate stating the length of service, the nature of the work and the salary earned, and also if the worker requests to have him perform a health examination and certify him , If at the time of entry or during stay on the job had been subjected to medical examination. The worker shall be considered to have eluded, hindered or delayed the examination, after five (5) days from his retirement, he did not present himself to the respective doctor for the practice of the examination, despite having received the corresponding order.


Employee Responsibilities

1. Know your assigned position and tasks: Each employee is responsible for knowing their assigned duties and tasks but also the manager or manager must ensure that the worker has mastered the skills necessary to complete the task.

If the employee is not sure how to handle the assigned work, he / she must communicate to his / her superiors to obtain suggestions and orientations in the fulfillment of the work, this will help in the building of good relations not only with his superiors but also with his colleagues.


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