Let's speak of excel
Enviado por mariac.osorio • 7 de Agosto de 2013 • Examen • 470 Palabras (2 Páginas) • 276 Visitas
Let's speak of excel
Excel it is the spreadsheet of calculation most used by his adjustment to the graphical environment of windows and to the operating system Windows XP, so the most new version of this suite,Excel 2007, it contains characteristics that even do not take popularity between the users of the computers, since it are the type of file, the distribution of the herramientas in the window etc..
Also it is a spreadsheet that allows to work with tables of information, graphs, databases, macros, and other advanced applications. Helping in the calculation of arithmetical exercises and being of great usefulness diverse areas as education, administration, finance, production, engineering, we can find her in other simple fields as the drawing, the economy, in any branch of the science we can use the above mentioned application
1. Spreadsheets of great dimension, rows and columns that form cells of work.
2. Group of several spreadsheets in a book. Excel this one composed by books, a book is the file at which one is employed and where the information is stored. Every book can contain approximately 250 leaves or folders. Every leaf contains approximately 65.000 lines and 256 tidy columns numerical and alfabéticamente respectively.
3. Automatic update of the results obtained in the leaf, on having modified the information on which a result depends.
4. Great capacity of presentation and managing of the introduced information.
5. Accomplishment of different types of graphs from the information got in the spreadsheet, with the possibility of inserting them in the same spreadsheet or in leaves apart, being able to present both united or separated information.
6. To work with the information of a database got in the spreadsheet by means of operations that would be own of a Manager of Database as Access.
7. Mathematical functions, statistics, integrated value
8. The classification of information facilitates for different areas of the mathematical calculation
9. It is practical and easy to handle. To define in a concrete way excel and his functioning in each of the areas chosen for the application of his functions we must know that it shapes it and his usefulness, knowing this can do functioning of this one, in an easy and correct way.
To define in a concrete way excel and his functioning in each of the areas chosen for the application of his functions we must know that it shapes it and his usefulness, knowing this can do functioning of this one, in an easy and correct way.
Excel is a programmer constructed in a great part, for mathematical and statistical uses this one composed by different spreadsheets, in which we will set the information to realize, a spreadsheet is that this composed by rows and columns, forming cells which information and formulae can be deposited. The set of leaves of work contained in