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PLAY DX Homepage INTERNATIONAL NEWS - 2010 / 2011

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AFGHANISTAN : VOA Relay KABUL, 1296 kHz, QSL Card + many VOA info materials. Reply in 7 months. Report sent to : VOA, 3166 Cohen Building, Washington, D.C., 20237, USA. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, 181 country verified, see my blog WEB : )

ALBANIA : RADIO ALBANIA, 7250 kHz, QSL in 82 days, Sent 1 IRC. V/s : Mrs. Drita Cico (Director English Service & RTSH-Head of Radio Tirana Monitoring) Reports requested to Email : (QSL informations JDXC September 2010, Japan)

ALGERIA : RTA Radiodiffusion Television Algérienne, 101.9 MHz, QSL Card in 35 days for report to : 21 Bvd des Martyrs, Alger. NO Rp Sent. ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalonia)

ANGUILLA : CARIBBEAN BEACON 6090 kHz, QSL Card in 180 days, Email-report : V/s : Mrs. Doris Mussington. It is the same old QSL model, received many years ago!. may be a reprint ??? (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

ARGENTINA : LR9 RADIO AMERICA 1190 kHz, Buenos Aires, QSL Email, after many reports sent by snail, finally arrived an Email Letter, in 1 day. Email : WEB : ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )

RAE 15345 kHz, Email-QSL in 1 day for Email-report to : V/s : Gabriel Iván Barrera. (R.I.P. sadly disappeared in 2010 year !) (Artur Fernández Llorella, Catalunia) REMARK : THIS IS PROBABLY THE LAST QSL CARD ISSUED BY GABRIEL BEFORE TO GO TO SANTIAGO DE CHILE TO TAKE PART TO THE 200 YEARS ANNIVERSARY OF CHILE & TO BE KILLED BY A STROKE HEART ATTACK.... R.I.P.)

RAE/ "Special interview Play DX", 15345 kHz, special QSL Card Italian programme (interview Monferini/Pavanello) in 28 days. Report sent to : Playdx, Dario Monferini, Via Davanzati 8, IT-20158 Milano (MI), Italy. (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia)

ARMENIA : NHK JAPAN relay, 5955 kHz, QSL Card in 41 days after follow-up. ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

AUSTRALIA : ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA 9500 kHz, QSL Card (70 years Anniversary), Sent some Follow/ups via Letter, Reply in 190 days. Sent 1 IRC ! Address : GPO Box 428, Melbourne, Australia 3001. ( Alvaro Lopez Osuna, Granada, Andalucia)

ABC RADIO AUSTRALIA, ABC Radio Queensland, 6080 kHz, Special Tropical Yasi Broadcast via TX Shepparton. Full data (with site/power/specific name of the Broadcast) Medium wave & short-wave broadcasting in Australia QSL card. Also received with the QSLs, programme and short-wave guide and ARDXC Information. Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of 4 months. (Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada, via Canada )

HCJB AUSTRALIA 11750 kHz, QSL Card in 24 days. V/s : Margaret. Address : P.o. Box 1339(Lot 579, Packsaddle Road) Kununurra , WA 6743, Australia. Email-report to : WEB : ( Mauro Giroletti, Italy ) HCJB AUSTRALIA 11750 kHz, QSL Card in 14 days. Email-report to : ( Artur Fernandez Llorella, Catalunia )

Northern Territory Shortwave Service, Katherine 5025, f/d Letter & MANY Stickers & ABC Cards in 37 days for English airmail report and US $5 in return postage. The Letter comments "your good use of English!" ( they supposed Albert Muick is an Afghan listener ! Albert Muick, Kabul, Afghanistan )

RADIO SYMBAN 2368.5 kHz, Reply verified via ARDXC (Australian Radio DX Club) V/s : John Wright (QSL Manager). Full data QSL Card Greek programming from TX Merrichville now EX Tx Leppington (Australian Native Birds Card). Email to : John Wright, reply in 8 days. Email : ( Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada via Canada )

5DN / Cruise 1323 kHz, Adelaide, 1323 kHz, Email verie in 120 days after follow-up. Two weeks later received station promotional material and souvenirs. V/s : Sherree Woodmore. Email : ( Vashek Korinek, South Africa )

AUSTRIA : AUSTRIAN MILITARY RADIO SOCIETY 6155 kHz. Reply QSL-folder + Sticker in 141 days. Email : Address : Austrian Military Radio Society - Gussriegelstrasse 45, A-1100 Wien. ( Roberto Pavanello,Italy )

FREIRAD Innsbruck, 105.9 MHz, QSL PPC in 4 days. Address : FREIRAD - Freies Radio Innsbruck, Hoettingergasse 31, A-6020 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

LIFE RADIO TIROL, Innsbruck 101.8 MHz QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Ing.-Etzel-Strasse 30, A-6020 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

ORF RADIO TIROL, Innsbruck 95.3 MHz QSL PPC in 14 days. Address : Rennweg 14, A-6010 Innsbruck. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

POLSKIE RADIO, Relay Moosbrunn 11675 kHz, QSL Card & Letter in 46 days. No RP. Address : P.o.Box 46 - PL-00 977 Varsawa, Poland. ( Luca Botto Fiora, Italy)

RADIO ENERGY 99.9, Innsbruck 99.9 MHz, QSL PPC in 7 days. Address : Gablenzgasse 11, A-1050 Wien. (Norbert Reiner, Karlsruhe, Germany)

AZORES : AFN "The Rock", LAJES AIR BASE,1503 kHz, CSB83 AFN-Lajes. After Snail-mail report not replied nor the first Email-f/up to : island96@...) so I wrote a second one to "the boss". Received F/d. Email in 5 hour. V/s : Sean "Scoop" Cobb (SMSgt, USAF, American Forces Network-Lajes, Station Commander) ( Mauricio Molano Sanchez, Spain )

RADIO ATLANTIDA, Ponta Delgada 88.5 MHz, QSL Card in 4 days. V/s : Sra. Manuela Raposo, (Directora de Serviços). Email : Listened from Salamanca, via Esporadic at the end of June 2011. ( Mauricio Molano Sánchez, Spain, )

BAHAMAS : ZNS1 RADIO BAHAMAS, Nassau. 1540 kHz. Sent 6th Emails-f/up ..... received f/d Email in 15 minutes !! V/s : Jason R.A. Saunders (I.T.Department) Email : ( Mauricio Molano, Spain ) ZNS1 RADIO BAHAMAS, Nassau. 1540 kHz., QSL Letter after "follow-up", after some Emails not replied sent Air Mail Letter follow up ! Reply by surprise Letter in 8 months. V/s : Deon Morris (Program Director). 185th EDXC Country verified & 500th station verified. WEB : Email : Address : P.o.Box N-1347, Harcourt "Rusty" Bethel Drive, Third Terrace, Centreville-Nassau. ( Alessandro Groppazzi, Italy, listened in Sweden Dx pedition Parkampolo Jan.2011, see my blog WEB : )

BAHRAIN : RADIO BAHRAIN 9745 kHz, Full data Letter, 44 days after a postal mail Follow up. V/s : Mr. Abdulla Ahmed Al Balooshi (Acting Director of Technical Affairs). Address : P.o.Box 1075, Manama,


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